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Indybay Feature

Anarchist General Assembly in Oakland! Call for content.

by UA in the Bay (uainthebay [at]
This is a call for content for the first of a series of regional anarchist general assemblies. The assembly will be held in Oakland on July 16th.
Let’s create a new kind of ANARCHIST GENERAL ASSEMBLY!

Saturday July 16th
12 – 5pm, BBQ to follow
Niebyl-Proctor Marxist Library (yeah, we know.)
6501 Telegraph Ave.
Oakland, CA
(Near Ashby BART)


The first of a series of regional anarchist general assemblies will be held in Oakland on July 16th.

The purpose of this assembly is to strengthen ties within the bay area's anarchist community by providing a regularly occurring event to share projects we’re working on, discuss the topics we are organizing around, promote collaboration and solidarity between different groups, spark new initiatives and build our collective capacity as a social antagonist force.

The assembly will complement the work of the Anarchist Salon, Anarchist Study Group, and other spaces where anti-authoritarians meet. It will have an active project, organizing and action related focus.

The assembly will not be a decision-making body; it will not create platforms or manifestos.


Structure -

* Presentations (1hr): 4 local anarchist groups will be selected to present a status report on their projects to the assembly. [Presentations undecided at this time, please send proposals before June 26th (sorry so soon)]
* Discussion (2.5hr): Attendees will break into 2-3 groups to discuss larger topics of anarchist interest or newly proposed projects/initiatives. [Topics undecided at this time, please send proposals before June 26th (sorry so soon)].
* Potluck BBQ, Informal Sessions and Social Time: 5:30pm @ Willard Park (Derby & Hillegass, Berkeley): Any content which doesn’t fit into the allotted times above is encouraged at the BBQ. This section of the assembly is the most open to individual's initiatives and creative interpretations, with the least scheduling constraints. Skillshares, presentations, informal discussions, tabling, or anything else you want to share is welcome here.


We're asking anyone who is in agreement with the following basic anarchist principles to attend:

- A rejection of all forms of hierarchy, including capitalism, patriarchy, white supremacy, heterosexism, and party based politics.
- Support for organizing on a non-hierarchical basis that promotes autonomy, solidarity, and the agency of those most affected by each decision.
- Working actively to build relationships and institutions that are based on equality, self determination, and sustainability.

The assembly will be a safer space, people who exhibit oppressive behavior will be asked to leave.


Unconventional Action in the Bay is scheduling the day’s events and coordinating logistics for this first assembly. The structure we’ve come up with is not rigid and participants will be encouraged to give feedback and help organize future assemblies. We strive to be transparent and accountable in the way we set up this event. We want this assembly to directly benefit anarchist individuals and groups in the region. We want to hear your thoughts, suggestions, wild ideas, critiques, questions, or concerns. Send us an email at UAINTHEBAY(at)GMAIL.COM to start a dialogue.

In solidarity,
UA in the Bay
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