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From the Open-Publishing Calendar
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Indybay Feature

aug 23-26 demos for TopFreedom in USA

by ( top-optionality)
[ public demos for a woman's right to go topless (or not), as SHE chooses; sponsored mainly by Raelians; endorsed by SUN ]

Top-freedom demos in USA
on 23 Aug. 2008
( and also on Aug 26 )


[ info from : ]

( and August 26 )

Welcome to !

- We are a US organization, claiming that women have the same constitutional right to be bare chested in public places as men.
Rael, spiritual leader and founder of states: "as long as men can be topless, constitutionally women should have the same right,
or men should also be forced to wear something hiding their chest."

Why a National
Protest day? claims constitutional equality between men and women
on being topless in public.
Currently, women who dare to be topless in public in the US
are repeatedly being arrested, fined, humiliated, criminalized.
On Aug 23rd, 2008, topless women will rally in great numbers across the USA to protest this gross inequality in the law,
and will demand that they be granted the fundamental right to be topless where men already enjoy that right,
according to the 14th amendment of the Constitution [...]
[equal protection of the laws].


Why this protest in August?
In 1970, Congress designated August 26 as Women's Equality Day "
as a reminder of women's continuing efforts for equality".
On 26 August 1920, after a 72-year struggle, the 19th Amendment to the Constitution of the U.S. was finally ratified,
granting women the right to vote nation-wide.

What will happen that day?
Across America, topless women and men will peacefully rally at the streets, parks, and beaches
of their towns and cities.
Activities will start at NOON local time on Aug. 23 in each city
[ except Omaha].
Topfree performances will be given by various artists to honor
Women's Equality Day
and to convey how natural it is to be topfree for women in public
just like it is for men.
Please contact us
[ via website]
if you are an artist
who would like to participate in one of our shows. is organizing events
in various places:

[Aug 23 starting time is NOON, local time;
except in Omaha]

LOS ANGELES: Venice Beach
"Where Navy Street meets the sand" on the board walk

NEW YORK CITY: Central Park:
Merchants Gate at Columbus Circle (59th Street at the corner of Central Park West and Central Park South), right by the giant Time Warner Mall

MIAMI Beach: South Beach
section of Miami Beach
[ Aug. 23]

[Question by SUN:
Isn't topfreedom already allowed
in parts of SoBe? ]

HAWAII: Honolulu [ Aug. 23]

HAWAII: Hilo, on the Big Island [ Aug. 23]

AUSTIN, Texas: Hippie Hollow Park [ Aug. 23]

BERKELEY, CA [?][ Aug. 23]

SANTA FE, NM [?][ Aug. 23]


OMAHA NEbraska [ at 3pm, NOT at noon]
"Heartland of America Park"
near downtown Omaha, Nebraska.
Parking lot is between Capitol Ave, and Douglas St. on 8th St.;
[please see link to map:
[ For Omaha, starting time is NOT noon, but 3pm]
POTTSVILLE, PA [?] [ Aug. 23]

[ AND LATER, ON AUGUST 26, a Tuesday:]

on Aug 26 [?]

DENVER: (on Aug 26)
at the door steps of the
Democratic [ National] Convention

If you would like to organize an event in your city or town, please contact us [...] , we will be delighted to assist you
so you too can claim your constitutional right
to be topless in public as a woman.



by Senior Unlimited Nudes (SUN)
of San Francisco:]

This seems to be sincere
and non-commercial.

it seems to be sponsored by
the Raelian religious group.
[ If you want more info,
google Rael, or Raelian. ]

Some freedom-seekers may be willing to demonstrate
alongside Raelians;
while some may not.

Several years ago,
SUN demonstrated alongside
nude Raelians,
in San Francisco's Castro district.
SUN doesn't endorse any
particular religion.

SUN supports
the idea that women
in the U.S.A.
should be free
(as men usually are)
to decide
when, how, and WHETHER
to cover their chests,

If a woman freely chooses
to wear a burkha,
If a woman freely chooses
to go top-free (bare-breasted),

The decision should be HERS.

-- SUN of SF, CA ]

[ FWD by SUN: ]
SUN, POB 426937, SF, CA 94142-6937
Freedom until death!
We are 100% volunteer and depend on your participation to sustain our efforts!


$145.00 donated
in the past month

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