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ICJ to deliver on Friday its order on South Africa’s genocide case against Israel

by Ahmet Gencturk - Anadolu Ajansı
The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday announced that it will deliver its order on Friday “on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa” in a genocide case against Israel.

The International Court of Justice (ICJ) on Wednesday announced that it will deliver its order on Friday “on the Request for the indication of provisional measures submitted by South Africa” in a genocide case against Israel.

In a statement, the court said that a public sitting will take place at the Peace Palace in the Dutch city of Hague, where the court is located, during which, the president of the court, will read the court’s order.

On Dec. 29, South Africa filed a lawsuit with the ICJ requesting an injunction against Israel on the grounds that Israel's attacks on Gaza violate the Genocide Convention.

South Africa is requesting that the ICJ grant nine interim injunctions, including that Israel immediately cease its military operations in Gaza, take reasonable measures to prevent the genocide of Palestinians, ensure that the displaced return to their homes and have access to humanitarian assistance, including adequate food, water, fuel, medical and hygiene supplies, shelter and clothing, take necessary steps to punish those involved in the genocide and preserve the evidence of genocide.

It also requested that the ICJ grant an injunction due to the urgency of the situation. Following the completion of hearings on Jan. 11 - 12, the Court began deliberations after examining the parties' submissions and evidence.
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