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Unprecedented Worldwide Protests Supporting Palestine

In London on November 11, one million people came out in support of a Free Palestine. This is the largest march the UK has ever had in support of Palestinian liberation, and follows marches of similar size in Istanbul, Jakarta and Mexico City. Around the world, protests have grown in magnitude over the past several weeks as the Israeli atrocities against the Palestinian civilians in Gaza continue unabated.
[Massive march in London in support of a Free Palestine.]

Tens of thousands marched to the capitol in Austin, marking the largest protest in solidarity with Palestine in Texas history. Tens of thousands marched multiple times in Kuala Lampur, Malaysia. Hundreds took to the streets in San Juan, Puerto Rico to rally in support of Palestine and to demand Israel agree to a cease fire. This is the third such protest in Puerto Rico’s capital since the siege began more than a month ago.

Tens of thousands of people marched through downtown Atlanta, Georgia – the largest protest for Palestine in that state’s history.

In Johannesburg and Cape Town, South Africa, tens of thousands took part in protest marches that drew parallels between the racism of the apartheid system in South Africa and the Israeli occupation’s martial law system that governs life for Palestinians in the West Bank, Gaza and Jerusalem, and the two-tiered legal system that discriminates against Palestinian citizens of Israel.

All of the protests called for a ceasefire in Gaza, and most called for an end to the brutal, decades-long Israeli military occupation of Palestine. Some chanted “From the River to the Sea, Palestine Will Be Free” – a reference to the fact that there are four ‘categories’ of Palestinians living in the land of historic Palestine, who each face a different type and level of discrimination, and that Palestinian liberation is incomplete without including all four (Israeli-created) categories: Palestinian citizens of Israel (which make up 20% of the population of Israel), Jerusalemite Palestinians (who have ‘permanent residency’ and no full citizenship, West Bank Palestinians (who live under Israeli martial law, with the assistance of the Israeli-approved ‘Palestinian Authority’) and Gaza Palestinians (who live under Israeli martial law in an open-air prison with Israeli control of air, land, water, electricity, imports, exports and all borders).

Here are some of the worldwide protests (compiled by the website )

Jews close Grand Central Station

India stands with Palestine

Support For Palestine in the US Has Never Been Higher

Congressional Staffers Turn Against Israel

Tens of Thousands Stand With Palestine in Ireland

Jewish protesters stage sit-in at Earl Blumenauer’s office in Portland, Oregon

UC Berkeley students walk out to support Palestinians but fear repercussions

Thousands in San Francisco

Two million solidarity rally in Jakarta Sunday 12 November 2023

London protests:

Toronto Canada (at least 12,000):

Video: Hundreds of thousands protest worldwide in solidarity with Palestine

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