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Over 50k Take SF Streets to Demand Ceasefire in Gaza and an End to US Aid to Israel

With thousands having come from all across California, organizers believe the march was the largest pro-Palestine protest in Bay Area history.
San Francisco, CA — Communities from all around California took to San Francisco's streets on November 4 for a mass protest to call for a ceasefire and an end to US aid to the Israeli genocide of Palestinians. The action was part of an International Day of Solidarity to free Palestine, with protests planned across the US and around the world.

The action in San Francisco was the West Coast counterpart to another massive action in Washington D.C., which was itself estimated to be the largest pro-Palestine protest in US history.

"This is a historic moment: millions are pouring out across the world to demand an end to Israel's crimes against the Palestinian people. From the Bay Area to Washington D.C. we are demanding an immediate ceasefire in Gaza, and an immediate end to US aid to Israel," says Lara Kiswani, Executive Director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center. "There is only one solution for enduring peace: our government must stop arming and funding the genocidal Israeli regime, and we millions will continue to come out and demand a ceasefire, an end to this genocidal funding, and a Free Palestine.

More than 9000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by the Israeli military in the last three weeks, including at least 4000 children — surpassing the total number of children killed across all the world’s conflict zones in any year since 2019, according to Save the Children. Israel kills a Palestinian child in Gaza every 10 minutes.

US lawmakers are feeling public pressure mounting against ongoing support of Israel. Biden’s approval rating has fallen 11 points this month among Democrats, while over 65% of voters across all parties want a ceasefire in Gaza. There is growing concern among Democratic voters regarding the impact that Biden’s Israel-Palestine policy, especially his continued funding for the genocide of Palestinian in Gaza, will have on his competitive fitness ahead of the 2024 election.
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