San Francisco
San Francisco
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Indybay Feature

San Francisco is a Pro-Choice Town! Sit-In at Market and 8th

by Day of the Dreadful Decision
1 min video by Lis Cox.
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Starts off with excerpt from speech by Honey Mahogany at rally at Philip Burton Federal Building on June 24 the day the Supreme Court overturned Roe v. Wade. That rally turned into a march to Market at 8th where hundreds sat in the street for 49 minutes. The number of minutes was chosen to represent the number of years Roe v. Wade was law of the land.

During that sit-in thousands converged on the intersection from multiple marches through the city. SF Chronicle estimate was 3,000 people at that very intersection. Thousands more raged in other parts of the city.

The rally, march and sit-in were organized by the National Mobilization for Reproductive Justice-SF with the support and participation of many others. Follow the mobilization on IG @sfreprojustice, DM to get text notifications of future actions. We must stay on the streets!
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