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Indybay Feature

Death vs. Dollars Series: The Impact of Race and Gender Disparities on Our Health

Online event via Zoom
Tuesday, April 09, 2024
12:00 PM - 1:30 PM
Event Type:
Panel Discussion
LWV Bay Area
Location Details:
Online event via Zoom

Death vs. Dollars Series: The Impact of Race and Gender Disparities on Our Health

When: April 9th at 12pm to 1:30pm

Where: Via Zoom

Register Here:

Race is reflected in the pandemics’ disproportionate effect on communities of color. Women’s diseases are often missed and misdiagnosed. Women and people of color are often ignored by the medical profession. Clinical studies and research are typically limited to white male patients when we know that women’s bodies are different. We will also explore the long-term impact of discrimination and micro-aggressions on our bodies.

Please join the League of Women Voters Bay Area as we host a revealing discussion about Race and gender disparities in healthcare with our expert speakers:

Dr. Susan Rogers, immediate past President of the Physicians for a National Program (PNHP) and assistant professor of medicine at Rush University. She is a longtime advocate for health care justice and racial equity. Dr. Rogers has testified before Congress and spoken to both medical and community audiences throughout the country.

Kavita Ramdas, Activist in Residence for the Global Fund for Women and Director of the Women’s Rights Program at the Open Society Foundation. Ms. Ramdas is a globally recognized advocate for gender equity and justice. She is also a thought commentator on gender and racial equity.
Added to the calendar on Sun, Apr 7, 2024 10:29AM
by LWV Bay Area
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