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Over 15k Protestors Shut Down SF Central Freeway, Demand Ceasefire in Israeli War on Gaza

A mass protest for Palestine has marched onto Central Freeway via Octavia Street. Following similar actions in New York City and Washington D.C., over fifteen thousand protestors have taken control of the freeway. Amidst the ongoing Israeli ground invasion of Gaza, protesters are calling for a ceasefire and an end of US military aid to Israel.
[Photo: Thousands march in San Francisco behind "Ceasefire Now" and "No US Military Aid to Israel" banners]

“Countless Jews are taking a stand against the horrific massacres Israel is committing in Gaza. The first step towards peace is a ceasefire now,” says Seth Morrison of Jewish Voices for Peace. “We will not stand for the genocide of Palestinians by Israel. Never again, and not in our name. We need an end of all US funding to the apartheid regime.”

At least 7000 Palestinians in Gaza have been killed by the Israeli military in the last 2 weeks, including at least 3000 children. The UN estimated that over 1.4 million Palestinians have been displaced within Gaza, with over 42% of all homes in Gaza destroyed by Israeli shelling.

“Our elected officials need to take a stand. The world is watching a genocide unfold. From Ramallah to London to NYC, the world is rising to defend Gaza.” said Lara Kiswani, Executive Director of the Arab Resource and Organizing Center. “We are taking a stand to say no to genocide, no to war, no to invasion. Ceasefire now.”

US lawmakers are feeling public pressure mounting against ongoing support of Israel. Biden’s approval rating has fallen 11 points this month, while over 65% of voters across all parties want a ceasefire in Gaza.
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