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On January 7, Tyre Nichols was savagely beaten by Memphis police, dying three days later. The first Bay Area demonstrations were called in both San Francisco and Oakland upon released video on January 27. In the days since, a march was held in Oakland, an Oakland police cruiser was set on fire, and a rally was held in Menlo Park. The ILWU stopped work to demand the release of Mumia Abu-Jamal, joined by Tyre Nichols' siblings.
Sun Nov 13 2022 (Updated 11/14/22)
Fears of Nuclear War Give Rise to Nationwide Protests
It has been 60 years since the the Cuban Missile Crisis, and now may be the closest the world has been to a nuclear war since then. In October, anti-war activists in the San Francisco Bay Area and the Central Valley joined others across the nation to demand that elected leaders work to reduce the risk of nuclear war. On November 10, Youth vs Apocalypse, CodePink, Veterans for Peace and others rallied at Lockheed Martin's San Francisco office.
Tue May 31 2022 (Updated 06/02/22)
America: Civilian Gun Massacre Capital of the World
Outrage swelled after two of the latest mass casualty shootings, one at a grocery store in Buffalo, NY, and another at an elementary school in Uvalde, Texas. Ten were killed in Buffalo, mostly African American elders, and twenty-one in Uvalde, nineteen small children and two teachers. Both shooters were only 18 years old when they bought the assault-style weapons used in the attacks. On June 11, Bay Area cities will protest on a national day of action against gun violence.
Wed May 4 2022 (Updated 01/21/23)
The Supreme Court Intends to Overturn Roe v. Wade
In a rare breach of US Supreme Court secrecy, a draft majority opinion written by justice Samuel Alito has been leaked. The would-be ruling makes a case for completely overturning Roe v. Wade, allowing states to outlaw all abortions without exceptions for rape and incest. Women in half of the states will lose access to safe and legal reproductive services. Protests immediately broke out across the country and are ongoing. Read more for updates.
Fri Mar 4 2022 (Updated 05/13/22)
Russia Moves to Take All of Ukraine by Military Force
On February 24, Russia began a military invasion of Ukraine, claiming its goals were to "demilitarize" and "de-nazify" the country. Bay Area Ukrainians protested in San Francisco on February 26 and 27, many agreeing with calls for maximal NATO involvement. On March 6, Code Pink and other anti-war organizations called for a Global Day of Action to protest the invasion, while also pointing to NATO expansion as having contributed to the crisis.
Sat Jan 8 2022 (Updated 01/14/22)
January 6 Anniversary Marked with Protests and Rallies
On January 6, cities and towns throughout the Bay Area and across the country held remembrance vigils and protest rallies on the one-year anniversary of the attack on the US Capitol building. Demonstrators identified former President Trump and the Republican Party as responsible for assaulting democracy in an attempt to reverse the outcome of a free and fair election. Many observers view the country as never having been so divided since the civil war and fear a recurrence.
As the US Supreme Court stood poised on December 1 to uphold a Mississippi law that bans abortions after 15 weeks of pregnancy, demonstrators across the US took to the streets. A new organization on the reproductive justice movement scene, Strike for Choice, said the date, which coincided with World AIDS Day, "is fitting because we owe so much to the Act Up movement that moved the needle on the government’s attitude towards powerless AIDS patients."
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