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Indybay Feature

UC Regents Mobilization - Nakba Day

Lakireddy Grand Ballroom, Conference Center, UC Merced (5200 N Lake Rd, Merced)
Wednesday, May 15, 2024
8:30 AM - 8:30 AM
Event Type:
PYM Bay Area
Location Details:
Lakireddy Grand Ballroom, Conference Center, UC Merced (5200 N Lake Rd, Merced)

The UC Regents are meeting this week at UC Merced, the most remote campus across the UC system, in the hopes that students, faculty, alumni, and community members from across the state will not show up. They expect that they will have their meeting uninterrupted ALL WHILE they refuse to divest their billions of dollars in Palestinian genocide. ALL WHILE they continue to push for sweeps, arrests, and brutal repression of our students across UCs, from UCLA to UCSD. The Bay Area will prove them wrong. We will show them that when our students call, WE ANSWER!

This Wednesday marks 76 years since the Nakba. The US-backed Zionist entity has imposed a brutal settler colonial project on the Palestinian people and homeland for the past 76 years. And for over 76 years, the Palestinian people have resisted from the river to the sea. This year the student movement has taken a bold and historic step to end their universitiesā€™ complicity in Israeli war crimes.

Thousands of students are rising up for Palestine across the UC systems, from UCLA to San Diego, from Santa Cruz to Davis and Berkeley, and beyond, and they are demanding an end to complicity in mass atrocities and genocide perpetrated by Israel against the Palestinian people. We recognize the stakes at hand for Palestinians who have been facing an escalated genocide in Gaza these past 7 months, and we must continue to elevate the stakes in our movement in the diaspora. We demand that university administrations disclose their investments in genocide and completely divest! The students have made their principled demands loud and clear. They are not backing down and our communities will continue to support them across all sectors.

šŸ””Fill the registration form out by 5/14 for transportation support:
Added to the calendar on Mon, May 13, 2024 12:17PM
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