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Newsitem List

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imageThousands of Police and Metal Walls Isolate Elites from the People in San Francisco
APEC CEO Summit in SF Meets Opposition
by Indybay
As billionaires and politicians met behind ten-foot-high metal walls, tens of thousands of demonstrators protested outside. Member nations of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit claim to have "Inclusive, Collaborative Solutions for Just Transitions," but opponents call this greenwashing and maintain that years of corporate neoliberalism are responsible for economic inequality, oppression, the climate crisis, and war....
Posted: Sat, Nov 18, 2023 7:16pm PST
imageThree Activists Detained at Climate Protest for Crossing Beale Air Force Base Gate
Climate Activists Call for Immediate Escalation of the Fight for the Future
by Indybay
At sunrise on October 19, youth climate activists associated with the group Occupy Beale gave a speech decrying the imperialist military-industrial complex, responsible for countless ecological atrocities, energy consumption, and carbon emissions. Four activists, banners in hand, then marched across the demarcation line at the Schneider gate of Beale Air Force Base. Military police detained three of them for over an hour....
Posted: Tue, Oct 31, 2023 11:34pm PDT
imageSeven Weeks of Israeli Blockade and Bombings Leaves Gazans Struggling to Survive
Israel Decimates Gaza, Nearly 2M Palestinians Displaced
by Indybay
Over 1.7 million Palestinians have been displaced and face serious malnutrition and dehydration. Nearly 15,000 have been killed, a third of whom are children. Around 50% of all residential housing in the strip has been destroyed. Israel has killed over 200 medical and aid workers, and 65 journalists. It has bombed and raided hospitals, schools, UN facilities, and more, allowing in barely enough supplies to keep the population from starving to death....
Posted: Tue, Oct 31, 2023 10:39pm PDT
imageStop Cop Campus Coalition Protests Planned Police Facility in San Pablo
San Pablo Says No to Cop Campus
by Indybay
The city of San Pablo plans on building a new police headquarters and training facility. The Stop Cop Campus Coalition intends to prevent the new facility from being constructed, arguing such huge amounts of money would be better spent meeting the needs of city residents rather than policing them. On September 30, their second protest was held with a march down the middle of San Pablo Avenue to the site of the proposed "Cop Campus."...
Posted: Tue, Oct 17, 2023 12:10am PDT
imageConference on Speech-Chilling “IHRA definition” of Antisemitism Launches New Institute
Conference on “IHRA definition” of Antisemitism Launches New Institute
by Indybay
The newly-formed Institute for the Critical Study of Zionism (ICSZ) will hold its inaugural bicoastal conference, Battling the “IHRA Definition”: Theory & Activism, on October 13-14. Through the lens of research on structural racism, state violence, and social justice movements, the conference will analyze political campaigns that seek to codify the “IHRA definition” of antisemitism, and efforts to oppose IHRA policies....
Posted: Thu, Oct 12, 2023 12:53pm PDT
imageCalifornia Climate Justice Actions in Coordination with Massive New York City March
Thousands March in Sacramento to Demand End of Fossil Fuels
by Indybay
On September 16, thousands rallied and marched in Sacramento in solidarity with New York City's massive March to End Fossil Fuels. Starting with colorful rallies in Sacramento's Old Town, protesters marched to the Tower Bridge and displayed a huge banner demanding an end of fossil fuel use. Sign bearing kayakers in the river joined in. Smaller demonstrations happened in Palo Alto and other cities....
Posted: Fri, Sep 29, 2023 8:03pm PDT
imageEverywhere Anti-Transgender "Feminists" Gathered in SF Was Met with Trans Rights Protest
Standing Up to the TERFs in San Francisco
by Indybay
Women’s Declaration International held a conference in San Francisco the weekend of September 16. Their mission is to attack what they call "gender ideology" and they align with ultra-conservative groups including Christian nationalists and Republican politicians to enshrine bigotry into law and otherwise further marginalize transgender folks. LGBTQ+ rights activists rose up in opposition with several rounds of protests and counter-protests....
Posted: Mon, Sep 25, 2023 8:37pm PDT
imageEnvironmentalists Speak Out Against Airport Expansion as Climate Disasters Accelerate
Oakland Airport Expansion Plans Meet Pushback
by Indybay
As the Port of Oakland views ever increasing use of autos and aviation as integral to humanity's evolution in the Bay Area, others beg to differ. Environmentalists from the Stop OAK Expansion Coalition view fossil fuels as the main cause of, now undeniable, global warming and current climate crises. They demand we move away from autos and air travel to fuel efficient systems such as electric rail. They are protesting and speaking out at public meetings....
Posted: Sat, Aug 19, 2023 3:01pm PDT
imageStarbucks Bus Tour Stops in San Francisco, Rallies with Allies to Support Unionization
No Contract, No Coffee!
by Indybay
More than 8,500 workers have formed unions at over 340 Starbucks stores in the U.S. With thousands more to go, customers and labor advocates are hitting the streets this summer to keep pressure on the union-busting company. On July 31, the national bus tour of Starbucks workers made a stop to rally at San Francisco City Hall. On August 7, Starbucks customers across the U.S. held a day of action targeting locations not yet unionized....
Posted: Sat, Aug 12, 2023 4:02pm PDT
imageArtists Evicted from Stop Music Studios to Make Way for Commercial Development in Portugal
Cities for People, Not for Profit
by Indybay
More than a decade ago, artists and musicians created a vibrant hub for the arts in an abandoned shopping mall in Porto, Portugal. City officials long sought to close the DIY space and finally moved on the Stop Shopping Center in late July. For over 10 days, more than 500 musicians were forcibly evicted from their workspace by police and city authorities, with over 100 rehearsal rooms and workplaces closed down. Thousands came out to protest the eviction....
Posted: Tue, Aug 8, 2023 12:34am PDT
imageBrian “Peppy” DiPippa and Krystal DiPippa Face Decades in Prison on Trumped Up Charges
Free Peppy and Krystal!
by Indybay
From the solidarity website: "Peppy and Krystal are exceptional and caring humans. For decades they have been active participants in solidarity with oppressed and marginalized people. Their tireless advocacy and community building has put them in the crosshairs of state repression. They will both undoubtedly face a long and arduous court process in the months, if not years, ahead.... Today they need our support."...
Posted: Thu, Jul 27, 2023 10:31pm PDT
imageHalt to Fossil Fuel Funding Demanded as Wells Fargo Operations Shut Down
Protesters Block Wells Fargo Headquarters' “Business As Usual”
by Indybay
On July 14, climate activists demanded a stop to Wells Fargo's reckless funding of fossil fuels. The action was part of a "block party" by local climate action groups that included loud chanting, carnival style games, music, street painting and dancing. Protesters said they timed their event to keep the pressure on the bank as it released its quarterly earnings report. Six protesters locked themselves down to block the entrance and were arrested....
Posted: Wed, Jul 19, 2023 12:53pm PDT
imageDemonstrations Wrack France, Boiling Over After Police Murder of Youth
French See Democracy Fading
by Indybay
In response to anti-government protests after police murdered a seventeen-year-old boy of Algerian descent, the French government has taken a number of repressive anti-democratic actions. Several hundred protesters were tried, convicted, and sentenced to lengthy prison terms within just forty-eight hours. One teenager with no prior record was sent to prison for a year and a month for allegedly throwing an empty soda can at a group of police....
Posted: Thu, Jul 13, 2023 2:34pm PDT
imageA Call for Pride to Return to its Roots as a Riot in Defense of LGBTQ+ Rights
Across the City, San Francisco Celebrates Pride in Myriad of Ways
by Indybay
San Francisco's is one of the biggest Pride parades in the world, but as it has grown larger so have criticisms that it has become too corporate. While this year was an opportunity to push back against a wave of homophobia and anti-trans hate across the US, as usual corporate floats abounded at the main event along Market Street. The real spirit of resistance was in the smaller People's March held at the same time in the Tenderloin district....
Posted: Sun, Jul 2, 2023 9:17pm PDT
imagePentagon Papers Leaker, Anti-War Activist Daniel Ellsberg Leaves Lasting Legacy
Whistleblower Daniel Ellsberg Passes Away at 92
by Indybay
Daniel Ellsberg, the military analyst-turned-peace activist who revealed that the U.S. government had been lying about its war on Vietnam, died on June 16. He was best known for leaking the Pentagon Papers to news outlets in 1971. He became a vocal anti-war campaigner. In a 2019 interview, Ellsberg said, "an act of truth-telling, of exposing the realities about which the public had been misled, can indeed help end an unnecessary, deadly conflict."...
Posted: Mon, Jun 19, 2023 6:16pm PDT
imageReactionary "Street Art" Campaign Backed by Billionaire Michael Moritz Targeted by Graffiti Artists
"Fentalyfe" Poster Campaign Redecorated
by Indybay
In a pseudonymous communiqué published on Indybay on May 21, "some vandals" write: Under the cover of night, with the Frisco fog as our accomplice, a crew of friends vandalized over 10 of the right-wing, pro-police “Fentalyfe” street poster installations.... These disturbing posters are part of a $300k campaign, by reactionary group Together SF, that is shaming drug and Narcan users, and calling for the racist criminalization of poor people....
Posted: Wed, May 31, 2023 11:52pm PDT
imageSecurity Guard Tackles, Punches, Shoots, and Kills Banko Brown Over Alleged Shoplifting
Community Demands Justice for Banko Brown
by Indybay
Banko Brown was a 24-year-old transgender organizer in San Francisco. On April 27, Walgreens' security guard Michael Anthony shot and killed Banko after accusing him of shoplifting. Anthony was arrested by SFPD. When the SF DA refused to file charges, the community was outraged. Banko's friends and community members have continued to protest to demand accountability for the killing. On May 26, Banko's family filed a wrongful death civil suit....
Posted: Wed, May 31, 2023 10:19pm PDT
imageLong-Time Industry Goal Is to Hamper CEQA by Expanding Exemptions, Limiting Challenges
Governor Modifies Environmental Law to Expedite Favored Projects
by Indybay
On May 19, Governor Newsom announced a legislative package and signed an executive order that would gut the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) to expedite the construction of the Delta Tunnel, Sites Reservoir, and other controversial infrastructure projects, drawing condemnation from environmental groups. On May 25, the California Senate Budget Committee voted to temporarily block the plan, ending the proposal for this legislative year....
Posted: Sat, May 27, 2023 11:27pm PDT
imageSolidarity Rally Held in San Francisco Against US Nuclear Submarine Base
Aussies Say No to Nuclear Sub Base at Port Kembla
by Indybay
An international day of action was held on May 5 against a US nuclear submarine base in the Australian Port Kembla. Rallies took place at Port Kembla and in San Francisco against the base and the Australian, UK, and US military alliance (AUKUS). Several speakers representing Veterans for Peace, union activists, and others spoke of their opposition to the build-up of a war with China, along with using Australia as a pawn in that effort....
Posted: Fri, May 26, 2023 5:28pm PDT
imageNorthern California Marks International Workers Day for Labor and Immigrant Rights
May Day 2023
by Indybay
In San Francisco on May 1, IBU-ILWU ferry boat workers marched and rallied at Alcatraz Cruises at Pier 33 which is owned by the anti-union Hornblower company. In San José, union members and allies gathered from throughout the South Bay and beyond, then took to the streets. They chanted, "Up, up with liberation! Down, down with deportation!" In Fresno, around 200 people marched through downtown to advocate immigrants' rights....
Posted: Thu, May 25, 2023 11:06pm PDT
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