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Newsitem List

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textSenate Democrats prostrate as Alito confirmation hearings get under way by wsws (reposted)
The Senate hearings that began this week for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito have provided a further demonstration of the impotence and cynicism of the Democratic Party and its lack of any serious commitment to the defense of democratic rights....
Posted: Thu, Jan 12, 2006 8:33am PST
imageThe Surrender of
by Joshua Frank via COUNTERPUNCH
Frank: "If the antiwar movement really wants to take on Hillary in the electoral arena, she has to be confronted from outside the Democratic Party right up to Election Day and beyond. That is exactly what MoveOn should advocate, but never will."...
Posted: Wed, Jan 11, 2006 1:42pm PST
textSenators Question Alito on Past Statements and Rulings on Abortion, Presidential Power ... by Democracy Now (reposted)
On Capitol Hill, Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito is entering his third day of confirmation hearings today before the Senate Judiciary Committee. On Tuesday, Alito was repeatedly questioned about his past statements and rulings on abortion, presidential power and the role of the judiciary....
Posted: Wed, Jan 11, 2006 8:52am PST
textRepublican Party crisis deepens: DeLay forced out of congressional leadership by wsws (reposted)
Former House Majority Leader Tom DeLay announced Saturday he was giving up his effort to resume his position, as congressional Republicans maneuvered in the face of the influence-peddling scandal involving Republican insider Jack Abramoff. The longtime lobbyist and Bush fundraiser pled guilty January 3 to charges of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials....
Posted: Tue, Jan 10, 2006 9:59pm PST
textAbortion, Executive Power to Play Central Role in Senators' Questioning of Alito by Democracy Now (reposted)
We play excerpts of the confirmation hearings for Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito who President Bush has tapped to replace Sandra Day O'Connor. During their opening statements, the 18 Senators on the Judiciary Committee repeatedly said Alito's views on abortion and executive power will play a central role in their questioning which will begin today. For his part Alito used his opening statement to paint himself not as a judicial radical but as a judge with no agenda....
Posted: Tue, Jan 10, 2006 7:21am PST
textDemocracy Now Alito Coverage by Democracy Now (reposted)
Abortion, Presidential Power and Civil rights: A Debate on the Nomination of Samuel Alito to the Supreme Court...
Posted: Mon, Jan 9, 2006 12:02pm PST
textJesse Jackson on Samuel Alito, Domestic Spying and Poverty in America by Democracy Now (reposted)
Sunday marked the start of the Rainbow/Push coalition's economic summit in New York City. We speak with the group's founder, the Reverend Jesse Jackson, about Supreme Court nominee Samuel Alito, the government response to Hurricane Katrina, Ariel Sharon and more....
Posted: Mon, Jan 9, 2006 11:59am PST
textThe gas conflict between Russia and Ukraine by wsws (reposted)
The halting of Russian gas supplies to Ukraine for three days this week brought to a head a long-smoldering conflict between the two successor states of the former Soviet Union....
Posted: Thu, Jan 5, 2006 7:47am PST
textTop Republican lobbyist turns state’s evidence in Washington corruption scandal by wsws
Republican lobbyist Jack Abramoff pled guilty Tuesday to charges of fraud, tax evasion and conspiracy to bribe public officials, setting the stage for a wide-ranging exposure of corporate corruption and influence-peddling in Washington. Abramoff signed a plea agreement with federal prosecutors in which he promised to testify against the congressmen, congressional aides and executive branch officials who received his cash and favors....
Posted: Thu, Jan 5, 2006 7:45am PST
textWrite to oppose Alito's extreme views and deception by MoveOn PAC
MoveOn wants to get 50,000 people to write to the Senate to express their opposition to Alito's nomination...
Posted: Wed, Jan 4, 2006 11:28pm PST
textA Look at Jack Abramoff's Ties to the South Pacific Island of Saipan by Democracy Now (reposted)
We speak with ABC News' Brian Ross who exposed in 1998 the horrific labor conditions in the U.S. territory of Saipan. At the time Jack Abramoff was Saipan's hired gun on K Street and Tom DeLay was one of the island's chief advocates on Capitol Hill. DeLay backed the sweatshop owners even though it was exposed that the factory was forcing women to have abortions and treated workers like indentured servants....
Posted: Wed, Jan 4, 2006 7:43am PST
textNative American Tribes Attempt to Recover After Being Defrauded of Tens of Millions by Abr by Democracy Now (reposted)
Former U.S. Senator Ben Nighthorse Campbell, who served as chair of the Senate Indian Affairs Committee that investigated the scandal, and Tigua tribal governor Arturo Senclair, one of the Indian tribes defrauded by Abramoff, discuss the Native American tribes that have been embroiled in the Jack Abramoff scandal. The tribes hired Abramoff to represent them in Washington regarding casino and gambling issues. As their lobbyist, Abramoff instructed the tribes to make political donations to cert...
Posted: Wed, Jan 4, 2006 7:42am PST
textThe Biggest Congressional Scandal in Over a Century? Lobbyist Jack Abramoff Pleads Guilty by Democracy Now (reposted)
Lobbyist Jack Abramoff admitted to defrauding at least four Native American tribes of tens of millions of dollars, bribing government officials and evading taxes. Abramoff has reportedly agreed to testify against several members of Congress who received favors or donations from him or his clients. Washington analysts say the corruption scandal could take down as many as twelve lawmakers. We speak with Peter Stone, a staff reporter for the National Journal, about the details of the case....
Posted: Wed, Jan 4, 2006 7:40am PST
textAbramoff and al-Arian: Lobbyist's "Charity" a Front for Terrorism by Juan Cole (reposted)
Posted: Wed, Jan 4, 2006 6:40am PST
textMy Mother Went From Being Chair of the Local Republican Party to a Screaming Progressive by Counterpunch (reposted)
Kentucky is the Bluegrass State. It's where I was born and lived until leaving for college. My mother was Chair of the local Republican Party at a time when Republicans were scarce there. Now the state is glaringly, blindingly red....
Posted: Tue, Jan 3, 2006 7:38pm PST
audioFMA on CKUT: Black Box Voting: Voting Fraud Coming to an Election Near You (audio/mpeg 12.3MB) by Joe Broadhurst has proven optical scanners used to read paper ballots can be programmed. Canada is about to use them....
Posted: Mon, Jan 2, 2006 2:05pm PST
textJournalist Robert Bryce Discusses the Death of Enron and the Firm's Close Ties to Bush by Democracy Now
Enron's former chief accountant Richard Causey may now testify against Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling. We look at the fate of President Bush's corporate biggest campaign donor with the author of "Pipe Dreams: Greed, Ego, and the Death of Enron."...
Posted: Thu, Dec 29, 2005 7:52am PST
textBush Step Down! Protest Jan. 31st and Feb. 4th! by World Can't Wait: Drive Out The Bush Regime!
Begin organizing your community to drown out Bush's State of the Union on Tuesday, Jan. 31st! Demonstrations followed by mass protest in Washington, DC on Feb. 4th. for info on what's going on in your community!...
Posted: Wed, Dec 28, 2005 9:03am PST
imageImpeachment March on State of the Union Jan 31
We The People remind Congress that they too took an oath to defend the Constitution, from both enemies foreign and domestic. 1. Call or Fax Congress and let them know, impeachment or else. 2. Organize State of the Union MOSH II protest, gather in DC to put the pressure on Congress the week before the SOTU. 3. Jan 31st, surround the capitol building, project truth videos to the riot cops, remind them that they too took an oath to defend the Constitution....
Posted: Mon, Dec 26, 2005 3:42pm PST
text John Conyers Heads Committe to Investigate and Move for Impeachment by reposted
author: a patriot...
Posted: Thu, Dec 22, 2005 11:48am PST
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