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Newsitem List

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textCAFTA--Continue The Fight by Working Families
Please contact your representatives right now and thank them if they voted with working families. But if they voted wrong, put the heat on—make sure they know there are consequences for voting against working families....
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 1:41pm PDT
textAmerican Families Are Hungry Too; CAFTA-DR's Passage Questioned by Christian Wire Service
Early Thursday morning the House passed the Central American Free Trade Agreement by a two-vote margin, 217-215. The Senate approved CAFTA-DR last month; it now goes to the President for his signature....
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 8:57am PDT
textMinutemen Suspected in Border Shootings by Chicomozteca
"Rogue" Minutemen may be behind border shootings...
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 1:14am PDT
textLatin America's "Bin Laden" Denied Bail, Judge Cites Posada's Terror Record by Democracy Now (reposted)
Leading anti-Castro terrorist Luis Posada Carriles is denied bail in his Texas immigration trial. We speak with a U.S. immigration lawyer who has been retained by the Venezuelan government to represent it in the case as it continues to demand his extradition as well as the Chair of the National Lawyers Guild's Cuba Subcommittee. [...
Posted: Wed, Jul 27, 2005 8:41pm PDT
textBrazil: angry protests hit state murder in London by wsws (reposted)
The July 22 police execution of Brazilian-born electrician Jean Charles de Menezes on a London subway car has provoked shock and angry protest in the 27-year-old immigrant’s native land....
Posted: Wed, Jul 27, 2005 8:38pm PDT
textWife of Guatemalan Rebel Killed by CIA Asset Says CIA Operatives Should be Exposed by Democracy Now (reposted)
Is it ever justified to blow a CIA operative's cover? We speak with human rights attorney Jennifer Harbury - her husband was a Mayan leader who was killed by a CIA asset in Guatemala....
Posted: Wed, Jul 27, 2005 7:16pm PDT
textWonderful News Just In From The Narcosphere! by Bill Weaver
"Luis Posada Carriles, notorious figure in Latin American terrorist history and former CIA operative, is denied bond today in El Paso Texas by immigration judge."...
Posted: Tue, Jul 26, 2005 9:54am PDT
textNew Latin American Television Network Telesur Officially Launched by Democracy Now (reposted)
Some are calling it Latin America's al Jazeera. This weekend, a coalition of leftist governments, media outlets and movements, led by Venezuela, officially launched Telesur - a new Latin America-wide satellite TV network. We go to Caracas to speak with Andres Izarra, Venezuela's communications minister and president of Telesur as well as attorney Eva Golinger....
Posted: Tue, Jul 26, 2005 8:18am PDT
imageVenezuela-led TV Channel Angers US
by Islam Online (reposted)
CARACAS, July26 , 2005 ( & News Agencies) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez has launched a new Latin American television channel to fight “cultural imperialism” from US and European media....
Posted: Tue, Jul 26, 2005 8:13am PDT
textUnholy Alliance? The AFL-CIO and the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela by Democracy Now (reposted)
As two of the country's largest unions leave the AFL-CIO, we talk to a labor journalist about what he calls an unholy alliance: the AFL-CIO and the National Endowment for Democracy in Venezuela....
Posted: Tue, Jul 26, 2005 8:11am PDT
textGreen Party Opposes CAFTA Trade Pact by flindet
CAFTA will gut California environmental protections, Greens charge; Congressional delegation should oppose costly trade pact...
Posted: Tue, Jul 26, 2005 6:59am PDT
textRevolution and Counter-revolution in Venezuela: Assessing the Role of the AFL-CIO by New Labou Forum (reposted)
José Gil’s walk across the shop floor would appear familiar to trade unionists across the United States. As a local union official at the vast CVG Alcasa aluminum plant in Venezuela’s Ciudad Guyana, he made the rounds on a short Sunday shift in August 2004—catching up on family news and listening to concerns and complaints, as molten metal pushed temperatures on an already scorching south-central Venezuelan afternoon to skin-searing levels. The plant’s production was on the increase, thanks t...
Posted: Mon, Jul 25, 2005 7:22am PDT
textSouth America’s New Militarism by Americas Program, International Relations Cen
South American societies are militarizing as a result of the regional superpower’s intervention, which is undoubtedly a crucial factor on the continent, but also as a consequence of the profound economic and political changes we have come to call neoliberalism....
Posted: Mon, Jul 25, 2005 7:20am PDT
imagePastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba Crosses the Border- A Near Total Victory
by Heather
Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba Crosses the Border...
Posted: Fri, Jul 22, 2005 9:47pm PDT
textPastors for Peace Cuba Caravan Latest (7/22 AM) Update by Dan Bacher
Here's the latest update on the Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba I just received from Faye Kennedy of the Freedom Bound Center....
Posted: Fri, Jul 22, 2005 9:15am PDT
textDemocracy Now: Pastors For Peace Caravan to Cuba Stopped at U.S.-Mexican Border by Democracy Now (reposted)
Volunteers attempting to deliver tons of humanitarian aid and hurricane relief to Cuba were stopped at the U.S. - Mexican border Thursday. The volunteers are part of a Pastors for Peace caravan, a group which delivers shipments of humanitarian aid yearly to Latin American countries and Cuba....
Posted: Fri, Jul 22, 2005 7:12am PDT
textUpdate on Pastors for Peace Caravan by Dan Bacher
Here's the latest update on the Cuba Caravan. Sacramento activist Kathryn Hall of the Birthing Project is currently in Hidalgo Texas after being stopped at the border by the Department of Homeland Security....
Posted: Fri, Jul 22, 2005 12:51am PDT
textPOP Caravan to Cuba Update: by Faye Kennedy (de repost)
News from Texas—Today, finally at 4:00pm (PST): The Pastors for Peace Friend shipment Caravan to Cuba were released, but the struggle is not over. Kathryn Hall and at least two buses are now in Hidalgo, TX, 6 buses and 2 trucks were not released....
Posted: Thu, Jul 21, 2005 6:53pm PDT
textHumanitarian Assistance for Cuba volunteers detained by Homeland Security by
Kathryn Hall of the Sac Center for Community Health and Well Being (home of the Birthing Project) and others in support of the Pastors for Peace (POP) Humanitarian Aid Caravan to Cuba are being held in McAllen Texas by US Homeland Security......
Posted: Thu, Jul 21, 2005 6:46pm PDT
textNOTICIAS shut- down through blood and fire/Despojan NOTICIAS a sangre y fuego by Pedro Matias
Groups of police, urban paramilitaries, and members of the Revolutionary Confederation of Workers and Peasants (CROC- a PRI paramilitary front group) initiate an assault on the NOTICIAS facilities and violently removed the 31 sequestered workers Translated by: Ito/ Grupos de porros, policías y de la CROC consuman asalto a las instalaciones y desalojan violentamente a los 31 trabajadores secuestrados...
Posted: Wed, Jul 20, 2005 3:34pm PDT
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