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Newsitem List

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textLeter from Caracas: Love at first sight with the Venezuelan revolution by KM
Bolivarian Revolution...
Posted: Fri, Aug 12, 2005 12:58pm PDT
textPastors for Peace Takes Protest on the Road by Lyndia Llamas
Posted: Wed, Aug 10, 2005 4:37pm PDT
text16th WFSY - Chavez once again calls for socialism as the only way to destroy capitalism by IDOM
Bolivarian Revolution...
Posted: Wed, Aug 10, 2005 9:48am PDT
textLandmark Decision Overturns Cuba 5 Convictions by Democracy Now (reposted)
A federal appellate court in Atlanta overturned the convictions of the Cuba 5 and ordered a new trial on the basis that the men could not get a fair trial in the right-wing Cuban exile stronghold of Miami. The five were accused of spying for Cuba. We speak with Leonard Weinglass, one of the lawyers for the Cuba 5....
Posted: Wed, Aug 10, 2005 7:24am PDT
textU.S. Threatens to Pull Venezuela Drug War Certification by Narco News (reposted)
United States “anti-drug” policy faces a major setback in Venezuela this week, and the drug warriors are loosening their ties as the heat rises. At the State Department’s press briefing yesterday, Deputy Spokesman Adam Ereli responded to Venezuelan President Hugo Chávez’s warnings on Sunday that Venezuela would no longer work with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration. Chávez said that, far from abandoning efforts to combat trafficking and money laundering in his own country, his governmen...
Posted: Wed, Aug 10, 2005 6:41am PDT
textVictory for the Cuban Five by WWP (reposted)
On Aug. 9, in a historic victory for revolutionary Cuba, a three-judge panel from the 11th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in Atlanta declared the Draconian sentences imposed on the Cuban Five to be null and void....
Posted: Tue, Aug 9, 2005 10:46pm PDT
imageDirect action against Monsanto in Uruguay
by IMC Uruguay
Today, the headquarters of Monsanto's representative in Uruguay, Agroterra , received an unexpected visit of a group of people protesting against GMO's and the bio-tech industry....
Posted: Tue, Aug 9, 2005 3:59pm PDT
textChávez: DEA "Supports Narco-Trafficking" in Venezuela by Narco News (reposted)
Venezuela President Hugo Chávez, after voting today in municipal elections (5,999 municipal council seats, plus one regional governor's post are at stake: pro-Chávez candidates are widely expected to sweep what will be, now, the ninth national vote since Chávez's 1998 electoral victory), explained, in more detail, why Venezuela has launched an investigation into the conduct of officials of the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) in national territory....
Posted: Sun, Aug 7, 2005 5:08pm PDT
imageVenezuela: Urban Agriculture
by Maiz Rebelde
Since the election of Hugo Chavez and the creation of the new constitution, Venezuelans have not only been able to actively participate in their government, but are also given a voice in the institutionalization and implementation of policy for the development of their communities....
Posted: Sun, Aug 7, 2005 10:30am PDT
textSupport vigil for Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba by FCNV
A vigil in support of the Pastors for Peace Caravan to Cuba will be held on Wednesday, August 10th, at 7:30 PM at the Fresno Center for Nonviolence, 1584 N. Van Ness....
Posted: Sat, Aug 6, 2005 7:39pm PDT
textBTL:Hardball White House Tactics Win Passage of CAFTA by Between the Lines' Scott Harris
...Central America Free Trade Agreement ~ Interview with John Cavanaugh, director of The Institute for Policy Studies, conducted by Between the Lines' Scott Harris...
Posted: Fri, Aug 5, 2005 7:06am PDT
textOut of the Jungle and Into the Streets by Christopher Day
On June 19, the Zapatista National Liberation Army (EZLN) declared a “Red Alert” throughout the territory controlled by the rebel group in Chiapas, the southernmost state in Mexico. The Zapatistas closed down the operations of their civilian organizations including the autonomous municipalities, the regional centers known as “Caracoles” and the Zapatista Information Center. Over the following days several communiqués and a letter from Subcomandante Marcos explained that the EZLN had completed...
Posted: Wed, Aug 3, 2005 8:59am PDT
text3rd Anniversary of Atenco's Machete Rebellion by Narco News
Today, August 1, marks three years since the people of Atenco and the Texcoco region near Mexico City won one of the 21st century’s first victories against neoliberal power – the prevention of the construction of a new international airport on their historic farmland....
Posted: Mon, Aug 1, 2005 11:51pm PDT
imageSolidarity with the EZLN in Coyoacan, Mexico || Solidaridad con el EZLN en Coyoacan México
by ~Bradley
Last month, activists painted a huge red star in Mexico City’s Zocalo to help bring attention to the Red Alert issued by the EZLN. On July 31, 2005, activists in solidarity with the EZLN used a variety of tactics to educate people in downtown Coyoacan, Mexico City about the Sixth Declaration from the Lacandona Jungle and the ongoing Zapatista struggle for land, work, dignity, health, food, education and respect. || El pasado mes un grupo de activistas pintaron una estrella roja en el zócalo d...
Posted: Mon, Aug 1, 2005 3:22pm PDT
text Colombia's Farc attacks intensify by BBC (reposted)
Colombia's Marxist rebels continue to pile the pressure on the armed forces....
Posted: Mon, Aug 1, 2005 6:49am PDT
imagePolicías Auxiliares en Huelga de Hambre en D.F. || Police on Hunger Strike in Mexico City
by ~Bradley
Bernardo, Guillermo y Miguel, son tres de cinco Expolicías Auxiliares del D.F. (México). Desde hace 23 días ellos viven en un campamento hecho de lonas y camas de unicel, en la plancha del Zócalo capitalino frente a la oficina del Jefe de gobierno, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. || Bernardo, Guillermo and Miguel are three of five former Auxiliary Police from Mexico City, Mexico. For 23 days, they have been living in a cloth tent with styrofoam beds in the Zolcalo in front of the office of Gover...
Posted: Sat, Jul 30, 2005 2:16pm PDT
textCAFTA Voting Irregularities by Democracy Now (reposted)
After Congress passes CAFTA by one vote in a midnight count, questions are being raised about the process. We speak with the Director of Public Citizen's Global Trade Watch about the GOP leaders' round-up of House votes to approve trade agreement....
Posted: Fri, Jul 29, 2005 10:59pm PDT
text Passage of DR-CAFTA Bad News for Farmers by Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy
The deal would lead to the destruction of the U.S. sugar program, and increase agricultural dumping of agricultural commodities below their cost of production into Central American countries....
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 4:59pm PDT
document7/31: "U.S. IMPERIALISM AND THE COUNTER-INSURGENCY WAR" with Latino Ex-Political Prisoner
by via email
At: THE FELLOWSHIP OF HUMANITY 390 27th. ST.,Oakland,CA On Sunday July 31st. at 1:00 PM...
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 4:52pm PDT
textDemocracy Sold Out - CAFTA Approved by Pork and a Hill of Beans by Deborah James on Common Dreams
Razor Thin Vote Seals Fate Against More Expansion of NAFTA by Deborah James...
Posted: Thu, Jul 28, 2005 4:49pm PDT
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