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Newsitem List

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audioaudio from 9-11 filmfest (Attachment On: Lockheed RICO crimes trump all...9-11-01 Mouse Report) (audio/mpeg 19.5MB) by DJ Mouse
Kevin Barrett calls for attendance at this Saturday's Local Station Board meeting at the North Berkeley Senior Center 1901 Hearst St...11 am to ask board to res...
Posted: Tue, Sep 11, 2018 10:31pm PDT
audioLockheed RICO crimes trump all...9-11-01 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 77.6MB) by DJ Mouse
catching up w/ all the censored media across the country starts w/ the weekend news 10 points down the dial (from 104.1 fm) then heading for the Saturday KPFA LSB board mtg. at the North Berkeley Senior Center..1901 Hearst Ave. 11-3 pm to protest axing of Guns and Butter...sampling Global Research, RT, Twitwit and noliesradio on the subject of censorship and Trump crimes (84 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Sep 11, 2018 10:31pm PDT
audioMargaret, Joe and Ray vigil for Julian...9-4-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 56.4MB) by DJ Mouse
Black Agenda Report's Margaret Kimberley, Joe Lauria and Nat Parry of Consortium News and CIA whistleblower Ray McGovern discuss the defense of Julian Assange, the world's foremost journalist confined for years in the Ecuadoran embassy in London in virtual prison. (1 hr.)...
Posted: Tue, Sep 4, 2018 10:15pm PDT
audioGood Riddance Warmonger...8-28-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 73.0MB) by DJ Mouse
Nauseated by the press' drooling worship of a fortunate son...demonic glee behind star spangled eyes ...ALWAYS sending us off to war..Julian Assange responds to MSM ax murdering vampire zombie mind fork brain surgeons ..after Queen of Peace throws monkey wrench into my horror show (38 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Aug 28, 2018 8:39pm PDT
audioPhiladelphia crime solicitation...8-21-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 115.3MB) by DJ Mouse
can you swallow Russians behind our black box fracked 3/5 slave state electoral college voting system's 2016 selection?...more of the same Thursday in Chicago at the DNC...we look at the issues behind the distractions nationally and censorship 10 points down the dial from 104.1 FM Berkeley Liberation Radio..where the axing the station's best news show proves the station manager's service to the MIC's cannon fodder for the holy land project matches his service to big pharma... quashing news me...
Posted: Tue, Aug 21, 2018 3:39pm PDT
audioBad Actor Takeout Cafe...8-14-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 63.6MB) by DJ Mouse
we look at the issues around last week's censorship of Guns and Butter...after Vannessa Beeley on the Last American Vagabond break down our crimes in Yemen and our hypocritical alliance w/ the CIA army of medieval head choppers I don't mean the Saudi Royals...the other head choppers... (69 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Aug 14, 2018 2:40pm PDT
audioJulian Assange Vigil News...8-7-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 44.4MB) by DJ Mouse
Sampling Ann Garrison and Ray McGovern from among the 50 hours of this weekend's online vigil for the world's premier journalist Julian Assange, the Wikileaks founder trapped for years in the Ecuadoran embassy in London (48 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Aug 7, 2018 2:39pm PDT
audioRonald Dellums v Military Industrial Complex (audio/mpeg 89.4MB) by DJ Mouse
remembering a stellar mayor and Armed Services chair...seated in the way of every war that came his way..from forcing the appointment of Independent Counsel Lawrence Walsh in the Iran-Contra scandal to backing down the armed goons of even his own guard here in take the case of the Oakland Post editor Chauncey Bailey's murder out of the hands of the culprits ...and in the case of Oscar Grant helping put the first cop in jail for murdering one of us in state's history......
Posted: Tue, Jul 31, 2018 1:37pm PDT
audioMagnetic Tape Zombies for Peace...7-24-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 137.5MB) by DJ Mouse
...still trying to fix horn button in middle of wheel on our baby car seat..are we supposed to turn into a skid?...we seem to be headed straight for world war three...(1 hr.)...
Posted: Tue, Jul 24, 2018 8:05pm PDT
audioBlackbox Slaver Aping College News...7-17-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 221.1MB) by DJ Mouse defenders of the fractional black box electoral college voting system...perpetrated since a UK court banned the slave trade...are being whipped into Russo-phobic frenzy by MSM keep from noticing Bernie theft and the Podesta email child raping jihadi scandal...we go back to Left Out Forum's Ray McGovern and Mark Crispin Miller......
Posted: Tue, Jul 17, 2018 5:57pm PDT
audioRadio invertebrate biochemistry...7-10-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 113.2MB) by DJ Mouse
Sampling call ins from Sunday Show and Monday's Rude Awakening and Africa Today...10 points down the dial...from 104.1 FM...Berkeley Liberation Radio (61 min.)...
Posted: Wed, Jul 11, 2018 2:33am PDT
audioZombie Mind-fork Suicide Merchants R US...7-3-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 68.0MB) by DJ Mouse
Andres Manuel Lopez Obrador Wins In Mexico!...third time's a charm for AMLO after US Choice Point assisted coups...other than that though...sad to's all bad news and horror...would you choose a slow painful waterboarding-like suffocation death?...prepare to be tortured...cruel and unusual listening...if silence wasn't worse...(36 Min.)...
Posted: Tue, Jul 3, 2018 2:32pm PDT
audioDeport ICE; free state blues...6-26-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 111.6MB) by DJ Mouse
Left out of the recent Left Forum...Ray McGovern and Mark Crispin Miller cover colleagues in progressive media behind the wheel of the 'Russians are coming' bi-partisan war machine getaway driving for war crimes lately in Central America the Near East and Eastern Europe...(1 hr.)...
Posted: Tue, Jun 26, 2018 2:35pm PDT
audioUS tells Syria leave ISIS alone (and other crimes)...6-19-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 129.2MB) by DJ Mouse
The law prescribes 'a term of years or life' for the Clinton-Bush crime family Murder of Internationally Protected Persons...their civilian counterparts assassinated at our behest around the violation of the same law protecting their families...Title 18 sections 1116, 1117...while their contra war wages on in Nicaragua, Honduras, Syria...spoiler alert...lots of cops die day before testifying in federal corruption probes in this episode...(69 min.)...
Posted: Tue, Jun 19, 2018 6:22pm PDT
audioSuicided by DNC war machine...6-12-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 114.6MB) by DJ Mouse
While the 'left' is busy beating war drums against Russia, our ally against slavery in 2 wars...10 points down the dial...from 104.1 fm berkeleyliberationradio(dot)com and suiciding obstacle to DNC war machine Anthony Bourdan...listen to the murdered journalist himself point the finger at his likely killers......
Posted: Tue, Jun 12, 2018 1:44pm PDT
audioSpies R US, UK BZ fake out...6-5-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 23.3MB) by DJ Mouse
2 minutes till midnight Dr you know where your heparan sulfate proteoglycan copartners are?...w/ barium in military radar contrails hitting myelin sheath production in our brains we know we can learn nothing...and UK knows it can mix Skripal's Steele Dossier w/ a little mislabeled Quinuclidinol benzilate...muscarinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist was the question?...oh us stop worrying and love amnesia......
Posted: Tue, Jun 5, 2018 10:24pm PDT
audioUU Bob Parry Tribute, MLK, 9/11 Truth...5-21-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 55.7MB) by DJ Mouse
Saturday at Cedar and Bonita in Berkeley at the Robert Parry Tribute we heard Consortium News Editor Joe Lauria, Bob's son Sam, Natylie Baldwin and Ann Wright and others talk about the ongoing project...and later William Pepper's message at the screening of 'Prime Suspects: Who Killed Martin Luther King Jr.?' and 'Truth At Last: The Assassination of Martin Luther King' (1 hr.)...
Posted: Tue, May 22, 2018 12:34pm PDT
audio456 Montgomery today, Zimlines tomorrow (audio/mpeg 27.7MB) by DJ Mouse
60 murdered yesterday in Gaza for shaking the cage...imagine 1/4 million worldwide if proportionate to the US...wedded to evil from birth...MIC F*k bunnies won't tell you, but the US of A holes started out founded to carry slavery foreward after UK court ban......
Posted: Tue, May 15, 2018 2:04pm PDT
audioFree Gaza, BDS Israel and 5150 the US...5-8-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 51.1MB) by DJ Mouse
DJ Mouse didn't know to stay out of the road in 2014 Zim blockade...(I was taken away)...Norman Finkelstein on Scheer Intelligence takes on settler colonialism (at expense of tenure) w/ 'Gaza: An Inquest into it's Martyrdom', Vanessa Beely takes on UN for the 2012 murder of Syrian soldiers aided by Austrian 'peacekeepers' monitoring Golan Heights...FBI recruited and filmed shooter at Texas cartoon event...US still sending misogynist terrorists to Syria...see 2012 DIA report on creation of the...
Posted: Tue, May 8, 2018 3:33pm PDT
audioPeople's Park 49th, Mumia Rally...5-1-18 Mouse Report (audio/mpeg 102.7MB) by DJ Mouse
Sunday featured both Peoples Park's 49th birthday and my Q and A to Ervand Abrahamian 10 points down the dial from 104.1 FM...berkeleyliberationradio(dot)info...about Reagan, Bush and Thatcher's 1978 meeting in Tehran...setting up their hostage taking counterparts in Iran...Saturday was rally for Mumia befor Monday hearing...continued to August 30...and the Mother of All Talk Shows looks at David Kelly murder...(1:53:39)...
Posted: Tue, May 1, 2018 8:59pm PDT
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