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Newsitem List

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textThe Son of Man demands Mr. bush's immediate arrest or execution! by Johnny Wizard
The facts are within, while the cowards pretend. Mr. bush must immediately be arrested for 9/11, as humanity's worst villian. Mr. bush, the for real, no doubt about it, anti-Christ in person, as evil personified.. Wow eh?!...
Posted: Wed, Oct 9, 2002 8:35am PDT
audioSounds of Oct. 6 Not in Our Name SF (video/x-pn-realvideo 6.7MB) by Sunny, SF Liberation Radio 93.7FM
Sounds and interviews from the Not in Our Name Mass Convergence at Union Square, San Francisco, on October 6. 55 minutes....
Posted: Wed, Oct 9, 2002 12:30am PDT
textFlashpoints Oct 8: Case against war; South Africa against Israel apartheid; ILWU by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Oct 8, 2002: -Robert Knight and the Knight Report (5 min) -The Case Against War, w Professor Stephen Zunes (14 min) -South African anti-apartheid veterans target Israel (15 min) -Bush invokes Taft Hartley against West Coast ILWU (17 min)...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 11:26pm PDT
textCIA Confirms That Iraq Will Only Engage In Terrorism If Attacked by repost
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The CIA said the probability of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein initiating an attack without provocation on the United States in the foreseeable future was "very low," according to a letter made public on Tuesday. But if he was attacked, the likelihood that Saddam would respond with biological or chemical weapons was "pretty high."...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 10:52pm PDT
textBrainwashing in the United States by ANN PETTIFER
It was stunningly clear that he felt it his duty to keep this sort of information off the air and, should it slip through, to aggressively discredit it. Israel, after all, has become the third rail in American politics. Touch it at your peril....
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 9:36pm PDT
textResist the War Vote! by Bay Area Residence
On day of war vote, Bay Area residents reclaim democracy, shut down federal building....
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 6:32pm PDT
imageAn Afternoon in Solidarity with the People of Palestine and Iraq
by Nancy Mitchell
On Saturday Oct. 12 join former attorney general RAMSEY CLARK and Palestinian historian and author DR. NASEER ARURI, 1-4 pm Horace Mann Jr. High, 3351 23rd St. San Francisco. Sponsored by International ANSWER...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 6:04pm PDT
audioR.I.S.E.: 9-11 and New Wars (audio/mpeg 33.2MB) by John Judge/Kellia Ramares
Excerpts of a talk by assassinations researcher John Judge, recorded 9-19-02 in Oakland, CA. What are the historical roots of 9-11? Was there a military stand down on 9-11? What happened to the anthrax investigation? (58:00)...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 5:05pm PDT
imageThe Gaza Ghetto (by Latuff)
by Latuff
Is deportation a final solution for Palestinians?...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 4:58pm PDT
textDeep in our heart peace march by Maia & George Elfie Ballis
September 14, 150+ of us marched over 8 miles from Congressman Radanovich’s office on Shaw Avenue to Congressman Dooley’s office in downtown Fresno.We carried letters against further attacks on Iraq. I page of stills; I page video....
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 1:21pm PDT
textWe are silently loud in Fresno by Maia & George Elfie Ballis
150 of us silently loud with a red hand of blood we have shed and a blue of our hope for peace. 1 page of stills; 3 pages of videos...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 12:58pm PDT
documentProtest Oil Wars at Berkeley Critical Mass -- Plus Book Release Party
by Bikebell
Demonstrate against GLOBAL OIL WARS this Friday at Berkeley Critical Mass...
Posted: Tue, Oct 8, 2002 11:39am PDT
textOOPS! Flashpoints Oct 7: GAZA ATTACK: eyewitness report; Adam Shapiro; AbuKhalil by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio Oct 07, 2002: -entire hour show about today's Gaza attack and related topics -Dennis Bernstein interview with eyewitness Netta Jorgensen of the Palestinian Center for Human Rights (18 min) -Adam Shapiro of International Solidarity (20 min) -As'ad AbuKhalil, professor of Political Science UC Berkeley (13 min)...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 10:52pm PDT
textUC Santa Cruz Peace Rally! by zoga
Over 700 students and locals attended a massive peace rally in front of UC Santa Cruz's main library Monday afternoon...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 9:03pm PDT
textNew: At Left Party and Frontlines newspaper sites by Left Party
The news from the Newest Left Party and the by Now Rekown Frontlines Newspaper...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 8:58pm PDT
textWho is Saddam? by fred freewriter
Who is this man?...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 5:28pm PDT
textIsrael is Shunned by International Performers by Repost Mama
Israel is being shunned by international world-class performers, many because they believe Israel is guilty of war crimes and ethnic cleansing. Others are simply afraid. Others have been pressured by pro-Palestinian activists to boycott Israel. Israel just tries to make do and settle for local performers. In the meantime, Lebanon is the big winner, picking up the artists who do want to go to that part of the world, yet avoid appearing politically incorrect....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 5:28pm PDT
textAmerica's Lost World War: Revolutionary Duty by Friday Addams
Hail Hominids, with Reflected Flares of Central Radiance!...
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 4:43pm PDT
imageCops with guns above San Francisco NION
by Donovan Dobbins
This is an aerial shot of the cops stationed on top of the Tiffany and CO building across from Union Square. On the left side by the edge of the building they had rifles out....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 3:39pm PDT
textYahoo! Censors LMNOP, an Oakland peace group by Steve Wagner
Although they swear it's not for political reasons, Yahoo! has pulled the plug on an Oakland peace group's email account....
Posted: Mon, Oct 7, 2002 2:00pm PDT
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