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Newsitem List

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textRyan Zinke approved by 16 Democrats as Interior Secty by repost
Zinke’s views climate science, voting record, campaign donations, and statements on future fossil fuel extraction on federal lands had riled climate and environment groups who say he’s not fit to oversee the nation’s lands and natural resources and enforce the Endangered Species Act....
Posted: Wed, Mar 1, 2017 8:55pm PST
textKKK, other hate groups showing up in Bay Area by San Francisco Chronicle
On the list were branches in Mountain View and Santa Cruz of the neo-Nazi Daily Stormer, a racist website that features stories deriding Jews and Muslims and advocating white power. The site, run by white nationalist Andrew Anglin, made it onto the list because Internet chatter revealed book-reading meetings in the two cities, said Ryan Lenz, an editor with the law center. “Andrew Anglin’s Daily Stormer has sought to move from cyberspace to the real world, or what they call ‘meat space,’ a...
Posted: Tue, Feb 28, 2017 9:51pm PST
textKiller Cop Training — Coming Soon to Northern California by JP Massar
Jeronimo Yanez, the officer who shot Philando Castile in his car in Minnesota took a training course called “The Bulletproof Warrior,” now renamed as the “Street Survival Seminar.” The same training, with a new name, is coming to Sacramento this coming February....
Posted: Wed, Dec 28, 2016 10:14pm PST
textRenter control ballot measures pass in Oakland, Richmond and Mountain View by Lynda Carson
There are rent control victories in the Cities of Oakland, Richmond and Mountain View, in the effort to save tens of thousands of renters from being displaced from their housing by heartless greedy landlords, realtors and speculators in the Bay Area!...
Posted: Wed, Nov 9, 2016 3:10pm PST
textInterrupting Surveillance in the Bay Area and Beyond by Tracy Rosenberg
Bay Area activists have seized on a strategy to localize the fight against government spying and enlist city councils and county supervisors – who are far more approachable and accountable than remote DC officials – as allies in building community control of surveillance equipment....
Posted: Fri, Sep 23, 2016 10:47am PDT
textFerguson police killing of Michael Brown & invations of Afghanistan: variations on a theme by Gil Villagran, MSW
The Police killing of Michael Brown by a Furguson policeman and the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan, and subsequent U.S. invasion are dominos, variations upon a theme: the hubris of a powerful nation, class or ruling elite to control a much subservient people or nation, there are tragic lessons to be learned to the demise of the powerful (at the expense of the powerless)....
Posted: Wed, Jul 20, 2016 9:54am PDT
textThe Black Lives Matter Movement Needs to Embrace Civil Disobedience by Philip Hamilton
The American public should be in support of mandatory minimum sentences for police officers who commit acts of brutality, that led to serious injury or death, due to racial motivations. However, reacting to violence with violence, will not garner the good graces of the majority of the public, therefore civil disobedience must be urged by leaders of the Black Lives Movement to change the media narrative that the group is a violent organization with leaders that seek violence to continue....
Posted: Sun, Jul 10, 2016 11:28pm PDT
textElder Abuse by Ted Rudow III, MA
I went to Superior Court of California,Wednesday, Jan. 28, 2015 to appear before Judge Persky....
Posted: Thu, Jun 9, 2016 1:24pm PDT
textWatching Them Watching Us. A Victory in the Political Battle Against Surveillance in Silicon Valley by JP Massar
Santa Clara County has become the first jurisdiction in the US to pass a general surveillance equipment regulation ordinance....
Posted: Thu, Jun 9, 2016 8:24am PDT
textMark Stone Voted for Unconstitutional, Anti-BDS Law AB 2844 by via South Bay Jewish Voice for Peace
On June 6, South Bay Jewish Voice for Peace sent out a letter asking supporters to contact Assembly Members Evan Low, Nora Campos, and Mark Stone, to convey disappointment that they voted in favor of the anti-BDS law AB 2844....
Posted: Wed, Jun 8, 2016 12:08pm PDT
textCommemoration held of 1966 Blockade of Napalm bombs shipped to Vietnam from Alviso, CA. by Gil Villagran, MSW
We commemorate, fifty years later, four empathetic women who courageously chose to stand up to the overwhelming war-machine to block the loading of napalm bombs, (100 million tons of Napalm bombs were stored and shipped from the tiny town of Alviso) to be sent to Vietnam. The four women were arrested, jailed briefly, and the jellied gasoline bombs made it across our planet's largest ocean to burn our nation's "communist enemies" to what must be the most grotesque human-created hell on earth....
Posted: Wed, Jun 8, 2016 5:58am PDT
textSan José is in a housing crisis and needs your help!!! by Lynda Carson
On April 19, San Jose City Council will VOTE on changes to the current San Jose Apartment Rent Ordinance (ARO). This vote comes after more than a year of renters and community groups calling for meaningful protections to renters (See the Silicon Valley Renters' Rights Coalition position HERE) that has resulted in a research study, preliminary recommendations and community input. You can help by sending emails to the Mayor & City Councilmembers in support of strong renter protections!!!...
Posted: Mon, Apr 18, 2016 2:33am PDT
textOne Small Step Against the Surveillance State - Help Us Make the Case! by Oakland Privacy Working Group
Help stop the surveillance state. Help the Oakland Privacy Working Group and the ACLU make the case that surveillance methodologies and equipment must be overseen by the people, who have the right to make decisions on what is permissible - not the police. PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION:
Posted: Tue, Mar 8, 2016 4:26pm PST
textWhen Presidents Commit War Crimes, Justice Is The Final Victim by Gil Villagran
Could there be a lesson for President George W. Bush in the expected prosecution of Mexican President Luis Echeverria, charged with genocide 38 years after his crimes against humanity? Let us hope that old age will not spare President Bush and Vice-president Cheney, years from now, from the consequences of their crimes against humanity: secret prisons without charges or trials, torturous interrogations, invasion of a country based upon manipulated intelligence, hundreds of thousands of Iraq...
Posted: Wed, Feb 3, 2016 3:48pm PST
textCalifornia State University Faculty Votes to Authorize Strike by via California Faculty Association
Members of the California Faculty Association on the 23 campuses of the California State University voted “Yes by over 94% percent” to authorize a strike, CFA President Jennifer Eagan announced today at a news conference....
Posted: Wed, Nov 4, 2015 1:46pm PST
textCalifornia State University Faculty Conclude Strike Authorization Vote by via California Faculty Association
Yesterday, members of the California Faculty Association (CFA) at the 23 campuses of the California State University system concluded a statewide vote on whether or not to authorize union leadership to call a strike if contract negotiations with management fail to result in a fair deal....
Posted: Thu, Oct 29, 2015 1:45pm PDT
textRegistrar of voters allegedly certified petition blocking Richmond’s renter protections by Lynda Carson
Now the CAA and it’s 13,000 members are targeting numerous council members and are meddling in the affairs of 4 other Northern California cities, in an effort to block renter protections from taking effect. Those cities include San Jose, Santa Rosa, Mountain View, and San Mateo. Additionally, renters in Healdsburg have also been pushing for renter protections in their city!...
Posted: Thu, Oct 15, 2015 6:51pm PDT
textSanta Clara Doctors Oppose Plan to Contract Out Care for Mentally Ill Inmates by via Union of American Physicians and Dentists
SAN JOSE, Calif., Sept. 18, 2015 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- The alleged murder of Michael Tyree by guards in the Santa Clara County Main Jail made clear how vulnerable mentally ill inmates are, and that communities must do more to ensure their proper care. However, Santa Clara County executives are poised to take a huge step in the opposite direction by replacing the County psychiatrists who care for inmates at the Main Jail, Elmwood Correctional Facility and Elmwood Correctional Center for W...
Posted: Thu, Sep 24, 2015 4:55pm PDT
text1 Million CA Students Attend School in 1-Mile Impact Zone for Derailing Oil Trains by Center for Biological Diversity
OAKLAND, Calif.— More than 1 million California children attend school within a one-mile evacuation zone of railroads used by oil trains, according to a new analysis ( by the Center for Biological Diversity. Oil trains have experienced a dramatic increase in explosions and derailments across the country in recent years....
Posted: Thu, Sep 3, 2015 4:53pm PDT
textSanta Clara County workers vote to ratify contract by via SEIU 521
SAN JOSE, Calif., July 22 – Santa Clara’s largest labor force has voted to approve a four-year contract that lays the groundwork for recovery of public services which had faced substantial recessionary cuts in years past....
Posted: Thu, Jul 23, 2015 3:55pm PDT
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