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textAGAINST IMPERIALIST WAR - ICG by ICG - Internationalist Communist Group
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 9:18pm PST
textA second resolution is not enough by Tariq Ali
This war is immoral and unjust, with or without UN backing Tariq Ali Friday February 21, 2003 The Guardian...
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 9:05pm PST
textPressing the call of "No War on Iraq!" by jamie
After the demonstrations of 2/15/03, our leaders are on the defensive. Now is the time to maintain and raise the pressure on them....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 8:36pm PST
imageFast Your SeatBelts; It's going to be a bumpy ride! (graphic)
by Vince
New study says a "short" war on Iraq could cost 1 trillion over ten years!...
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 8:20pm PST
textKPFA Flashpoints Feb 20: Anne Gwynn again in Nablus; new Edward Said lecture by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA FLASHPOINTS FEB 20, 2003 -ISM member ANNE GWYNN reports again from Nablus -Excerpts from last night's sell-out lecture at UC Berkeley by Professor Edward Said.. -Pacifica Radio Network fund drive (audio link in full story test below or see
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 8:20pm PST
imageBubble Brigade in San Francisco
by Tod
Observations I had following the march in San Francisco. A girl blowing bubbles into the line of riot police seemed to me.......
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 7:48pm PST
textFor the "Reasons" for war... by Paul in Tokyo
It's obvious to the detached observer that Israel and Zionist American Jews are driving the war against Iraq. One wonders why are there many Jews in the anti-war against Iraq movement? I can surmise several "reasons": some are truly naive, some hate war in Iraq, but still don't see the connection with Israel somehow, still many are kind of "observers" at best, and "spies" at the worst, and secretly hope for the war on Iraq and all the Muslim countries....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 7:00pm PST
imageAntarctica Says No to War
by Elizabeth Connell
And You Thought It Was Cold in New York...
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:46pm PST
textLocal DJ Needs Help by counter terrorism task force
"KJ" is a much-loved local DJ and electronic music pioneer, and he needs your help. He has been called to report to the INS as part of America's response to terrorism. He now faces deportation unless he is granted political asylum. If he is deported to Pakistan, he faces certain persecution, as a gay Hindu....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:44pm PST
textU.S. envoy wants major response to Colombia rebels by US War Is Worldwide
BOGOTA, Colombia, Feb 20 (Reuters) - The U.S. embassy in Colombia has recommended Washington make a "major response" to leftist rebels who killed an American government contractor and captured three others, a U.S. congressman said on Thursday, and a U.S. official said military action was being considered....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:33pm PST
textU.S. to Send 3,000 Troops to Fight Militants in Philippines by US War Is Worldwide
WASHINGTON, Feb. 20 The United States will send about 3,000 troops to Philippines in the next few weeks to fight Muslim extremists in the southern part of the country, Pentagon officials said today. Unlike a six-month training mission ......
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:30pm PST
I've seen Ali on TV talk shows, and he is quite eloquent, articulate and persuasive. It's great that he gets the exposure, that in general, is so lacking when it comes to pro-Palestinian activists on corporate media. Personally, I could relate to his comment below about how alot of activism for justice for Palestinians just involves repeating the facts over and over....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:20pm PST
textSandino:General of the free Men by YankeeSandinista
seven decades ago, on February 21, 1933, Sandino was murdered in Nicaragua, but his name arose decades later and the people triumphed in a popular revolution in1979....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:03pm PST
imageSSU gets 'attacked'
by Stephen Dietrich
3 pics and an article of pro-peace educational activities at Sonoma State University on Wednesday February 19th....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 6:01pm PST
textIsrael's Proxy War? Israel's supporters have played a decisive role in the coming war by M. SHAHID ALAM
Excellent arguments which point to Israel's role in shaping this current rush to war....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 5:38pm PST
textPakistan Air Crash - US Terror? by repost
Just a thought, but Wellstone's crash was similar - it happened just after they'd radioed in to land, no survivors, quesitons about the weather, strange statistics. Plus the Iran crash just the other day - when was the last time there were large crashes like this back to back in the middle east? Funny timing, that....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 5:30pm PST
textThe SHORTWAVE REPORT 2/21/03 ¡Listen Globally! by Dan Roberts
A weekly 30 minute review of news and opinion recorded from a shortwave radio. 2 files- broadcast quality (13.3MB) and quick download (3.3MB). With times and freqs for listening at home. Free to rebroadcast. Russia, Netherlands, China, Germany, Spain, and Cuba ....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 5:29pm PST
textJoin the Baghdad Snapshot Action from your Computer! by brian
Download pictures of regular families taken on the streets of Baghdad last month and post them all over your neighborhood....
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 4:22pm PST
textMarch 15 Action To Do List by brightpathvideo
We need more than speeches now...
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 3:52pm PST
imageThe sands of life are running out.
Fraud - Deceit - Blood and Thunder...
Posted: Thu, Feb 20, 2003 3:49pm PST
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