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Newsitem List

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textJews continue to torture Palestinian children by Yusuf Agha of Yellow Times
No nation can be considered civilized when it murders children for throwing stones at tanks who have invaded their land. By supporting Israel, American Jews have supported state sanctioned murder and torture of Arab children since 1948....
Posted: Thu, Jun 20, 2002 8:37am PDT
textPalestinian Elections Now! by Edward Said
We have never faced a worse, or at the same time, a more seminal moment. The Arab order is in total disarray; the US administration is effectively controlled by the Christian Right and the Israeli lobby (within 24 hours, everything that George Bush seems to have agreed with President Mubarak was reversed by Sharon's visit); and Palestinian society has been nearly wrecked by poor leadership and the insanity of suicide bombing....
Posted: Mon, Jun 17, 2002 7:23am PDT
textUN expert says settlements, house demolitions are war crimes by Associated Press
This item is raging through Israel and Europe, but it is not being picked by the the American jewsmedia. Wonder why? "Israel's policy of building settlements in Palestinian territories and destroying Arab homes and farmland is a war crime, a United Nations investigator said Friday....
Posted: Sat, Jun 15, 2002 8:36am PDT
textNo Free Speech on Palestinian Campuses by Patricia Jennings
University students in Palestine have no freedom of speech. They are arrested if they speak out against the PA. Why aren't GUPS demanding free speech on their home campuses!!!...
Posted: Fri, Jun 14, 2002 11:32pm PDT
textIsraeli-Palestinian Conflict by Linda Belanger
I did not know that the homes of people resisting the occupation, even by peaceful means, were demolished. I did not know that the Israeli Defense Force (IDF) imposed curfews and shot people who were caught outside after hours on sight . I did not know that the Israeli government has diverted water away from Palestinian farmland to serve the Jewish settlements that they have established within Palestine....
Posted: Fri, Jun 14, 2002 9:37pm PDT
textFlashpoints Jun 11: BARI KO's FBI, LIVE AUDIO FROM THE CELEBRATION by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio, June 11, 2002: -Bari/Cherney lawsuit aginst the FBI decided by jury today, justice is served. -Hussein Ibish about the continuing Israeli atrocities against Palestinian civilians...
Posted: Tue, Jun 11, 2002 6:46pm PDT
text150+ UC Professors Call for Divestment from Israel by ucdivest
150+ UC Professors Call for Divestment from Israel; Campaign Reaching New Heights...
Posted: Tue, Jun 11, 2002 5:17pm PDT
textIsrael Occupies Reuters Office, Attacks Journalists by anarchist
As Israel's bloody ethnic cleansing continues, they must escalate attacks against free information, lest the ignorant Americans who support them get the "wrong" idea. If Israel has nothing to hide, why are they attacking Reuters journalists?...
Posted: Mon, Jun 10, 2002 11:36pm PDT
textHuman Rights Watch Report on Israel's Racist School System by Pro-Palestinian
In a June 7, 2002 press release, Human Rights Watch has issued an excellent report on the racist school system of Israel in which the Israeli government openly discriminates against the Arab children, who constitute about 25% of the schoolchildren of Israel. Call your favorite "liberal" Democrat-Republican, all of whom support Israel by definition, and ask them why they support blatant racism in Israel with our tax dollars, when they claim to be for equality here in the US (but our...
Posted: Mon, Jun 10, 2002 8:21pm PDT
Supporters of Israeli government policies frequently point to Hamas as justification for Israel's brutal policies in the occupied territories. Never do they mention that Hamas was aided and abetted by Israel. Governments throughout the Middle East have used Islamists as a counter-force against secular and anti-capitalist movements. Not only are Islamists inclined to attack authentic radical currents, they also provide the perfect pretext for state repression....
Posted: Sat, Jun 8, 2002 10:09pm PDT
textPolice repression of IMC Israel by no surprise
The Israeli police and IMC Israel...
Posted: Thu, Jun 6, 2002 10:47pm PDT
textFlashpoints Radio June 3: Edward Said; Angana Chatterji by Jaguar Johnny
KPFA Flashpoints Radio June 3: - Dr. Edward Said on Israel and Palestine; - Dr. Angana Chatterjion India and Pakistan...
Posted: Tue, Jun 4, 2002 12:21am PDT
textJune 9 in SF: Eyewitness Palestine Forum with Video by Peacenik
Eyewitness Palestine: June 9, 2002 forum at 2 p.m. with new video, "Palestine Fights for Freedom" at San Francisco Women's Building, 3543 18th Street (near 16th St BART). Information: 415/821-6545.
Posted: Mon, Jun 3, 2002 10:06pm PDT
textPress Conference to Announce: Launch of UC Faculty Divestment Campaign by ucdivest
100+ UC Professors Call for Divestment from Israel; Campaign Reaching New Heights...
Posted: Mon, Jun 3, 2002 1:44pm PDT
textJust another threat from a pro-Israel creep (by Latuff) by Latuff
Mr. Billy D. is among the many pro-Israel guys who send me hate emails regularly. Let's all send him our thoughts on his threat....
Posted: Sun, Jun 2, 2002 10:44am PDT
imageTikkun Teach In
May 27 Unitarian Center of San francisco hosted an informative and pro-active teach-in for strategies for creating a lasting peace between Israelies and Palestinians. Check out the video at
Posted: Fri, May 31, 2002 10:02pm PDT
imageLife at the Israeli Terrorist Checkpoint
by anarchist
A Palestinian woman cries as she is turned back at the Qalandia checkpoint in Palestine. For Palestinian civilians, the checkpoints are a daily terror which can result in arrest or even death. How would you feel if you had to pass through one of these checkpoints every day on your way to work? Israeli cars are marked with special license plates so that they aren't affected by this "inconvenience."...
Posted: Wed, May 29, 2002 12:58pm PDT
imageUS medics on Palestinian ambulances witness IDF brutality up close and personal
by PRCS, reposted, DR
Palestine Red Crescent Society ambulances detained, patients arrested....
Posted: Wed, May 29, 2002 8:22am PDT
audioZionism Is Racism (audio/mpeg 27.9MB) by greengator
Eyad Kishawi from the Free Palestine Alliance was recently invited by student activists at SF State to speak on the topic "Zionism Is Racism" as part of a week of action and education. Here is the talk, 40 minutes with Eyad, 1 hour and 20 minutes discussion with the crowd....
Posted: Mon, May 27, 2002 8:58pm PDT
textI'm fed up being called an anti-Semite by Deborah Orr
Ever since I went to Israel on holiday, I've considered it to be a shitty little country too. And I was under the impression that even Israelis thought this. I mean, if they thought Israel was small but perfectly formed, surely they wouldn't be so hell-bent on making it bigger and better, come what may....
Posted: Mon, May 27, 2002 7:44pm PDT
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