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Newsitem List

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textDecision by Wal-Mart to Stock EC "Long Overdue" by NOW Media Relations
Spurred on by a lawsuit in Massachusetts, national retail chain Wal-Mart announced Friday that it has decided to stock emergency contraception (EC) in all of its pharmacies, acquiescing to pressure from the National Organization for Women and other women's rights groups....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 9:27pm PST
textVictory against Wal-Mart! by NARAL Pro-Choice America
Click here to send a message to Wal-Mart:
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 9:16pm PST
audioBush & Co have violated every major Republican Principle (audio/mpeg 323.6KB) by ben frank
Jim Fetzer of on Real Republican Values. This is just a 41 sec clip from a two hour show. He's says something to the effect of this: The Bush administration is the most blatantly corrupt administration in US History. AND they have violated many important Republican principles such as balanced budgets constitutional government non-interventionist foreign policy and keeping government out of peoples’ personal lives. Why would any Republican support this Bush and his ...
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 6:51pm PST
text'State of the Black Union' Ignores Critical Issues by New America Media
Television and radio commentator Tavis Smiley's forum must address key wedge issues used to separate black America, the writer says. New America Media contributor Jasmyne Cannick ( is a political and social commentator based in Los Angeles. She is a member of the National Association of Black Journalists and founding board member of the National Black Justice Coalition....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 5:34pm PST
textThe Death Penalty Is Not a Deterrent - DP Awareness Week by CEDP
Supporters of the death penalty cling to "deterrence" as a major reason for their support. The logic goes that the death penalty will give a killer pause before they take a life. But the claim is really built on sand....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 1:07pm PST
text U.S. troops know they’re dying for a lie by Kavkaz (reposted)
A unique poll of active duty troops in Iraq shows a huge disconnect between the Commander in Chief and his troops in battle. It is evident that the President views the war very differently than the troops on the ground. The loss of the troops may be the final straw in the illegal occupation turned into a failed war....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 8:09am PST
textKatrina 6 Months Later: Activists Discuss Grassroots Disaster Relief, Housing Evictions... by Democracy Now (reposted)
Six months after Hurricane Katrina ravaged the Gulf Coast, we speak with two activists about what many call the worst natural disaster in U.S. history. Jordan Flaherty is an organizer with the New Orleans Network and an editor of Left Turn magazine; Kevin Powell is a journalist and author who is helping to launch Katrina On the Ground, an initiative which will bring student delegations from around the country to the Gulf Coast to work with local aid organizations....
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 7:24am PST
textMarch 2006 U.S. Immigrant Alert! by Lee Siu Hin - Immigrant Solidarity Network
Updates on Anti-Immigrant, Anti-Civil liberty PATRIOTIC Act, CLEAR Act & Sensenbrenner Bill: Community Actions Now!...
Posted: Fri, Mar 3, 2006 6:17am PST
textKatrina Video Shows Bush is No 'Tough Guy' President by New America Media (reposted)
Footage of a videoconference between President Bush and disaster officials a day before Hurricane Katrina lashed the Gulf Coast is smoking-gun proof of the president's poor leadership skills, the writer says. Earl Ofari Huthchinson is an associate editor at New America Media and the author of "The Crisis in Black and Black."...
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 10:25pm PST
textTroops to Bush: Get Us Out of Here! by CounterPunch (reposted)
If you're one of those people with a yellow "Support the Troops" magnet on your car, you might consider doing what 72 percent of those troops in Iraq want, which is to go home....
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 10:23pm PST
textTransparent Hatchet Jobs: The Attacks on Beyond Chutzpah by Norman Finklestein (reposted)
The Winter 2006 issue of Middle East Journal ran a scathing review by Professor Marc Saperstein of my book Beyond Chutzpah: On the misuse of anti-Semitism and the abuse of history. Saperstein alleged that my book was a "prolonged diatribe," replete with "outrageous ad hominem attacks" and written in the "rhetorical style of the arrogant academic pit bull."...
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 10:21pm PST
textDP Awareness Week: The Death Penalty Punishes the Poor by CEDP
Another grim reality of the death penalty is that it is almost exclusively reserved for the most disenfranchised in our society....
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 10:13pm PST
textHelp Workers Left Jobless by Katrina by Working Families e-Activist Network
Disaster jobless benefits for 140,000 workers left unemployed by Katrina are about to run out. You can help those families today by telling your U.S. representative to pass the Katrina Emergency Assistance Act, which will extend those benefits for 13 weeks....
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 10:01pm PST
textTask Force Policy Institute report reveals ex-gay movement's new tactic of targeting youth by Task Force
Youth in the Crosshairs: The Third Wave of Ex-Gay Activism — Task Force Policy Institute report reveals ex-gay movement’s new tactic of targeting youth...
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 9:42pm PST
textStep 2: Bush lied -- Congress must speak out by MoveOn
Thanks in part to your efforts, the breaking news about Bush's smoking gun Katrina warning is spreading rapidly. However, the media is largely not featuring what is perhaps the most obvious revelation of all: Bush lied....
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 9:33pm PST
textActivism Call: Why are people afraid of Rachel Corrie's words? by Electronic Intifada (repost)
Ann Petter and Jen Marlowe, The Electronic Intifada, 2 March 2006...
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 5:48pm PST
by CBD repost
Tucson, Ariz. - (March 2, 2006) The Center for Biological Diversity released a report yesterday which found that no endangered species have gone extinct in the Northeast and 93 percent have increased their population size or become stable since being protected under the federal Endangered Species Act....
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 1:30pm PST
On Monday March 28th Midge Potts of Springfield traveled to Jefferson City to file for Missouri's 7th District U.S. Representative in the August 8th Republican primary. Ms. Potts, whose legal name remains Mitchell, also filed the appropriate forms with the Missouri Secretary of State's office to have have he/r name listed as Midge on the official ballot. S/he has been living fulltime as a woman for more than two years. "Anybody could represent Southwest Missouri better than Roy Bl...
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 12:09pm PST
text Video shows Bush was warned before Katrina struck by UK Independent (reposted)
US disaster officials warned President George Bush in dramatic and sometimes agonising terms that Hurricane Katrina could breach New Orleans levees....
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 9:57am PST
textU.S. Enters New Nuclear Age as Bush Seeks Funds for New Generation of Nukes by Democracy Now (reposted)
A new nuclear age appears to be on the horizon. President Bush recently asked Congress for $27 million to help jumpstart the country's first new nuclear weapons program in two decades. As we broadcast from New Mexico - the center of the country's nuclear weapons program - we speak with Greg Mello of the Los Alamos Study Group. [includes rush transcript]...
Posted: Thu, Mar 2, 2006 9:49am PST
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