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Newsitem List

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imageNationwide Rallies Demand Freedom to Form Unions
by Seafarer's International Union
Tens of thousands of union activists and their allies took part in more than 90 events in 64 cities on Dec. 10 to mark International Human Rights Day and boost the union movement’s campaign to restore every worker’s right to a voice on the job....
Posted: Tue, Jan 27, 2004 12:45pm PST
textPracticando la Protesta by Kirsten Anderberg
El conocimiento es poder, en las protestas en las calles más que en cualquier otra situación. Existen algunos reglas básicas de las protestas en la calle y tácticas físicas que pueden mejorar la seguridad de los manifestantes, y/o la efectividad de la protesta considerablemente....
Posted: Mon, Jan 26, 2004 8:18am PST
textMark Leno Introducing Legislation to Legalize Gay Marriage in CA by links
Assemblyman Mark Leno of San Francisco has launched an effort to legalize gay marriage in California....
Posted: Mon, Jan 26, 2004 7:17am PST
textBuffalo Field Campaign Update 1/23/04 by reposter
In this issue: * Update from the Field * Bison Vaccination EA - Thank you for speaking out! * The Yellowstone Buffalo Preservation Act - Has YOUR Rep signed on? * Thank you for supporting the BFC! * BFC Wish List * Last Words...
Posted: Mon, Jan 26, 2004 3:11am PST
imagePortlanders support California supermarket workers
by pdx indymedia reporter
Yesterday, a crowd of about 50 rallied at the Safeway at 1100 NE Broadway in Portland to support the 70,000 workers who have been locked out of Southern California supermarkets for insisting on keeping hard-fought health benefits in the face of austerity plans being imposed by the big supermarket chains. See here for previous feature. Supporters marched into the store, up and down the aisles, chanting "Boycott Safeway!" and demanding fairness for workers and affordable health car...
Posted: Sun, Jan 25, 2004 5:33pm PST
textGet Off Your Ass and Do Something! by Stephen DeVoy
A thick gloom has set in. As if beaten into submission by the corporatist media the dissidents among us have become increasingly silent. Bush's psychological war on Americans appears to have succeeded. We have become withdrawn, quiet and beneath the surface we smolder. Nary an anti-Bush bumper sticker can be seen, despite the fact that thousands are available online. Nary an anti-Bush button can be seen, though a Google search will reveal their availability. Unless you walk through the ...
Posted: Sun, Jan 25, 2004 2:01pm PST
textJoin California Safe Schools at Berkeley Pesticide Conference by BEYOND PESTICIDES
Posted: Sun, Jan 25, 2004 1:19am PST
textKucinich Reject Kerry & Clarks More Troops To Iraq Proposal - What Troops? by knch rpst
Democratic Presidential Candidate Dennis Kucinich today replied to Gen Wesley Clark and Sen. John Kerry's proposals to send more troops to Iraq with a question: "What troops?"...
Posted: Sat, Jan 24, 2004 8:44am PST
textDemocrats bow to Bush on budget attacks by wsws
In another indication of their organic incapacity to offer any alternative to the policies of the Bush administration, Democrats on Capitol Hill dropped their opposition Thursday to a Republican-drafted federal budget that includes a provision depriving up to 8 million workers of the right to overtime pay....
Posted: Sat, Jan 24, 2004 8:27am PST
textBechtel Moves Main Division out of SF by Good Riddance!
Bechtel is moving its most prominent division out of San Francisco to Maryland to be near its main customer - the U.S. Government. ORGANIZE A FEB. 24 PROTEST AT THE LOCAL OFFICE OF HALLIBURTON, BECHTEL, OR ANOTHER WAR PROFITEERING COMPANY...
Posted: Fri, Jan 23, 2004 7:01pm PST
text3/4/04 Books Not Bombs! by Books Not Bombs!
Posted: Fri, Jan 23, 2004 6:33pm PST
textAnarcha Project Update #3 by ainfos
Website Up and Second Interview Tour Complete....
Posted: Fri, Jan 23, 2004 5:06pm PST
textKodak axing up to 15,000 : Bush touts pittance for worker training as job cuts mount by wsws
Two events Wednesday captured the dichotomy between official propaganda about the US economic recovery and the reality confronting American workers. President George W. Bush appeared at campaign-style rallies at community colleges in Ohio and Arizona, touting his minuscule $250 million job retraining initiative. And Kodak Corp. announced the elimination of 20 percent of its workforce, an estimated 12,000 to 15,000 jobs....
Posted: Fri, Jan 23, 2004 4:12pm PST
textAmericans respond to State of the Union: What about jobs? by PWW
George W. Bush delivered the 2004 State of the Union speech to Congress and the American people on Jan. 20, and afterwards many people asked: What Union and world was he talking about?...
Posted: Fri, Jan 23, 2004 4:11pm PST
textLa Resistencia Denounces Bush's New Plan by La Resistencia
Clearly, it amounts to nothing more than a plan for more extreme suffering and exploitation of immigrants trying to work in the U.S. It is a plan to intensify repression, a plan to track and control....
Posted: Thu, Jan 22, 2004 11:47pm PST
textCitigroup Agrees To RAN Demands by Rainforest Action Network
The world's largest bank sets a new environmental standard on Wall Street. Rainforest Action Network names next targets "The Liquidators"....
Posted: Thu, Jan 22, 2004 2:34pm PST
textPolice corruption abusing children by James Gallogly
A night club owner uncovers a ring of corruption involved in prostitution, extortion, narcotic trafficking, and protection for sexual predetors working for the police....
Posted: Thu, Jan 22, 2004 2:11pm PST
textProtester=Criminal? by Matthew Rothschild
"We have not seen such a crackdown on First Amendment activities since the Vietnam War," says Anthony Romero, executive director of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU)...
Posted: Thu, Jan 22, 2004 11:43am PST
textWould Ose censor the Bible? by Tortuga Bi LIBERTY
Rep. Doug Ose wants to ban certain words & phrases from being broadcast. Does he realize that his law may prevent certain Bible verses from being recited on air?...
Posted: Wed, Jan 21, 2004 9:14pm PST
textCall to Action: April Mob. vs IMF/World Bank by Global Justice Ecology Project
Educate, Organize, Mobilize! Be the change you want to see in our world! Organize public events in 2004, help expose the continued use of power, veiled by rhetoric, to enrich corporations, banks, and investors at the expense of people and the planet....
Posted: Wed, Jan 21, 2004 7:03pm PST
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