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Newsitem List

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text12/6: Emergency Rally to Demand Fair and Accountable Elections and to Support the Recount by UFPJ Bay Area
Monday, December 6th 12:00 Noon House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi 450 Golden Gate Ave., Burton Fed. Bldg. San Francisco, CA 94102...
Posted: Tue, Nov 30, 2004 11:20am PST
textUpdate on No Stolen Elections Campaign by No Stolen Elections
Through a fairly extensive process of research and consultation with many voter protection groups (including People for the American Way, Rainbow/Push, Southwest Voters, the Asian Pacific American Legal Center, and This Time We Are Watching), the campaign collectively concluded that the vote was not at all fair, because of a combination of unfair rules, fraud and intimidation. At the same time, it is not clear that the illegal elements of this unfairness (or straight incompetence or tec...
Posted: Mon, Nov 29, 2004 10:58pm PST
textPress Release: Repeal Son of Patriot Act! by Dan Bacher
Posted: Mon, Nov 29, 2004 8:03pm PST
textProtect the first amendent: Repeal the Parade Ordinance on Tuesday night! by Dan Bacher
Protect the first amendment by demanding the repeal of the "Son of Patriot Act" parade ordinance on Tuesday night!...
Posted: Mon, Nov 29, 2004 5:22pm PST
textReport on Rallies Against Voter Fraud/Media Censorship by Carol Brouillet
Description of Rallies at KGO and Boxer's Office Monday, November 29, 2004 urging media coverage of the important problems with the 2004 Presidential Election and Boxer's support in standing up for the voters and democracy....
Posted: Mon, Nov 29, 2004 5:07pm PST
text FUGW.ORG Election Fraud Meta Web Site Launched by Fraud Uncovered Government
Due to the growing demand for United States 2004 election fraud news and non violent direct action opportunities, Fraud Uncovered Government Watch ( is providing consolidation of many internet resources, breaking news stories, and time critical national action information. I...
Posted: Mon, Nov 29, 2004 10:10am PST
textUK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw rants against Trotskyism by wsws (reposted)
UK Foreign Secretary Jack Straw sent an extraordinary letter to the Independent newspaper on November 16. It was in reply to an article by Robert Fisk the previous Saturday. In a description of Yassir Arafat’s funeral, Fisk had disparagingly referred to Straw, who attended on behalf of the British government, as a former Trotskyist or “an old Trot.” Straw responded to Fisk’s factually incorrect aside like a man accused of a heinous crime, stating that to call him a Trotskyist was “a malici...
Posted: Sun, Nov 28, 2004 11:11pm PST
textTwo Votergate Rallies in SF on Monday by repost
This fair elections movement is really picking up steam and the time to act is now to save our precious democracy! There are TWO RALLIES on Monday one after another. Come support both and hear a host of amazing speakers from a variety of different organizations and citizens groups!...
Posted: Sun, Nov 28, 2004 1:53pm PST
textUS campaign behind the turmoil in Kiev by Ian Traynor (repost)
Posted: Sun, Nov 28, 2004 12:21pm PST
textGreens Shame Dems by Yoshie
Standing up for the most basic of democratic rights is not only the right thing to do -- it has put the Green Party on the Black political map like never before....
Posted: Sun, Nov 28, 2004 11:49am PST
textNational Actions of Resistance Begin Saturday, December 4 by Citizens' Alliance for Secure Elections
Fight for Democracy Rally - Columbus OH - Saturday December 4th (San Francisco will have an action at Pelosi's office on Dec. 6)...
Posted: Sun, Nov 28, 2004 3:45am PST
textVotergate actions: Mon. 11/29, KGO, 11 am (Vallejo/Front); Boxer's office at noon by repost
Weekly actions continuing in San Francisco; National action on Saturday, Dec. 4 in Columbus; Further national actions on Saturday, Dec. 11...
Posted: Sat, Nov 27, 2004 1:13pm PST
textUS After the Election: Permanent Alarm by Richard Sennett
This election was an expression of fear combined with ignorance about the economy. The American majority that voted for Bush is a case study of repression. That the economy is sick, the country isolated and the ground beings to totter in Bush's America is denied....
Posted: Sat, Nov 27, 2004 10:33am PST
text15 things to do before Bush's 2nd Term by Ken Morgan
You'd better do these things now, because after Jan. 20, 2005 they may be illegal....
Posted: Sat, Nov 27, 2004 9:24am PST
textGonzales, War on the Disabled by Leroy F. Moore Jr.
Alberto Gonzales, new General Attorney is horrible for people with disabilities. He helped Gov. Bush execute prisoners with mental disabbilities like Terry Washington.......
Posted: Fri, Nov 26, 2004 1:22am PST
textGreat power rivalries erupt over disputed election in Ukraine by wsws (reposted)
A struggle for power has broken out between the two candidates, acting head of the government Viktor Yanukovich and opposition leader Viktor Yushchenko, following the Ukrainian presidential elections last Sunday. The official electoral committee pronounced Yanukovich to be the winner, but the opposition has refused to recognize the result. It maintains that the election results were falsified and Yushchenko was the legitimate winner....
Posted: Thu, Nov 25, 2004 11:33am PST
textUkrainians show it's not what you do.... by PW2's the way that you do it!...
Posted: Thu, Nov 25, 2004 10:28am PST
textUkraine by brightpathvideo
Trouble in Ukraine...
Posted: Thu, Nov 25, 2004 8:50am PST
textWarren Co., Ohio Vote Lockdown Pre-planned by repost
County Commissioner Pat South has said the decision to lock the doors election night was made during an Oct. 28 closed-door meeting (the Thursday before Election Day). But in e-mailed memos dated Oct. 25 and Oct. 26 - released Monday after an Enquirer public records request - other county officials were already detailing the security measures, down to the wording of signs that would be posted on the locked doors....
Posted: Wed, Nov 24, 2004 2:17pm PST
textOhio Judge Won't Allow Recount Until After Election is Already Certifed!! (Dec 6th) by repost
Judge James G. Carr in Toledo ruled that the candidates have a right under Ohio law to a recount, but said it can wait. The judge wrote that he saw no reason to interfere with the final stages of Ohio's electoral process....
Posted: Wed, Nov 24, 2004 1:50pm PST
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