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Newsitem List

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imageNYers release video asking Taylor Swift to “Shake Off” diamonds of settlement-builder
by Adalah-NY
New York human rights advocates today released a parody video of a Taylor Swift song that called for the pop star to publicly distance herself from Israeli diamond and settlement mogul Lev Leviev. Swift wore Leviev diamonds in photos in the September 2015 edition of Vanity Fair. The video release followed a Saturday afternoon musical protest at the Leviev diamond store in Manhattan in the run-up to Valentine’s Day, with protesters arriving for the third time in a row to find the store closed ...
Posted: Fri, Feb 12, 2016 11:21am PST
audioWtul News and Views interviews Nyx from Total War Puppets (audio/mpeg 13.0MB) by wtulnews
"DIY art is like an open pit mine for mainstream culture. " Wtul News and Views interviews Nyx from Total War Puppets Nyx from Total War Puppets dropped by to talk about the end of tour blowout--four shows at the Mudlark, starring Pharoah, the founders of Paypal, and a long-dead '96 Toyota Tercel. Saturday night saw a full house at the Mudlark. There remain two shows Tuesday and Wednesday. The show takes on cybernetics, free-market capitalism and occultism....
Posted: Sun, Jan 10, 2016 6:54pm PST
audioInterview with Jackie Sumell on Solitary Gardens Project (audio/mpeg 25.4MB) by WTUL News & Views
DJ Habi of WTUL News and Views interviews artist and prison reform advocate Jackie Sumell about her in-progress exhibition called The Solitary Gardens. Sumell discusses Herman Wallace, who sparked her interest in the abolition of solitary confinement, and who was the focus of one of her previous projects titled Herman's House. She explains the symbolism behind the project, as well as the medicinal and healing values it will have....
Posted: Wed, Dec 30, 2015 7:47am PST
imageLeviev’s New York diamond store closed again on day of Israel boycott protest
by Adalah-NY
On Saturday, New Yorkers sang anti-apartheid carols outside the the store of Israeli diamond and settlement mogul Lev Leviev. Leviev's store was closed for the second year in a row on the day of the protest, one of the busiest shopping days of the year. The protesters also sang a song highlighting their call for Taylor Swift to never wear Leviev diamonds again, after she wore them in September's Vanity Fair....
Posted: Mon, Dec 21, 2015 3:58pm PST
audioPeople React To Being Called Beautiful -- Finding Beauty in the Everyday with Shea Glover (audio/mpeg 14.1MB) by WTUL News
WTUL News and Views Kezia Kamenetz sits down with Shea Glover, a young filmmaker and artist about her viral video, People react to being called beautiful. She speaks about the reactions and her experience creating the video, as well as her philosophy about beauty and happiness more generally....
Posted: Tue, Dec 15, 2015 12:28pm PST
imageDeaf Community Welcome - Kyle Laitenin to interpret at Native American event
by Corina Roberts
American Sign Language interpreter and southern straight dancer Kyle Laitenin is volunteering his time to insure that the deaf and hard af hearing community can enjoy Redbird's 20th annual Blanket, Toy and School Supplies Drive and Mini-Powwow. The event welcomes everyone, with or without a donation....
Posted: Thu, Dec 3, 2015 8:10am PST
audioPolitico Pop Up Art Show (audio/mpeg 23.2MB) by WTUL News and Views
WTUL News and Views Speaks with Leona Strassberg Steiner about the upcoming Politico Pop Up art show in New Orleans, featuring over 40 artists from around the country and the world showcasing their political art....
Posted: Wed, Dec 2, 2015 7:13am PST
audioInterview with WBOK Black talk radio host and cartoonist John Slade (audio/mpeg 22.3MB) by WTUL News & Views
Janet Hays interviews the imitable John Slade - New Orleans native, black cartoonist/author of Afro Brother Spacemen, WBOK Black talk radio host...
Posted: Fri, Nov 20, 2015 7:45am PST
imageSongwriter, Author, Philanthropist P F Sloan Died On Nov 16
by Friend
Los Angeles resident P F (Philip) Sloan was born in New York in 1945. He died on Nov 16 of 2015....
Posted: Tue, Nov 17, 2015 5:12pm PST
audioInterview with Phil Yiannopolous of Razors Edge Solo Performance Festival (audio/mpeg 7.3MB) by WTUL News & Views
Interview with Phil Yiannopolous of Razors Edge Solo Performance Festival...
Posted: Tue, Nov 10, 2015 9:00pm PST
imageProtest song for Paris Climate Talks
by Anonymous
Ahead of the Paris Climate March on November 29th, The Beholders have released 'Che Che', their remake of the cover 'Hasta Siempre'....
Posted: Sun, Nov 8, 2015 8:32am PST
audioRebecca Mwase talks about Looking at a Broad her one woman show (audio/mpeg 32.8MB) by WTUL News & Views
Rebecca Mwase talks about her upcoming one woman show looking at a broad. Also looking at themes of travel, home, misogyny and oppression....
Posted: Wed, Oct 21, 2015 8:02am PDT
audioPalestinian Film Festival in New Orleans (audio/mpeg 27.6MB) by WTUL News & Views
Lugine, Shareen and Maria talk with Gahiji Barrow about the first annual Palestinian Film Festival. Boycott Divestment and Sanctions movement and progress against the occupation and link the connection of the Palestinian struggle with those of other brown people globally....
Posted: Wed, Oct 21, 2015 7:51am PDT
audioFirst Annual Palestinian Film Festival in New Orleans (audio/mpeg 27.0MB) by WTUL News and Views
Kezia speaks with Lugine Gray about the first annual Palestinian film festival, taking place in New Orleans from October 18th - October 25th and featuring a multitude of popular films....
Posted: Wed, Oct 14, 2015 7:40am PDT
textAppeals Court to Reinstate Lawsuit Against FBI by Insane Clown Posse Fans by American Civil Liberties Union
DETROIT, SEPTEMBER 18, 2015 — The American Civil Liberties Union of Michigan today hailed a federal appeals court ruling that allows fans of rap duo Insane Clown Posse — known as “Juggalos” — to move forward with a lawsuit against the FBI for designating Juggalos a criminal gang....
Posted: Thu, Sep 24, 2015 5:23pm PDT
imageThe Hidden Shackles and Chains on the Statue of Liberty
by LA Progressive
The story behind the creation of the Statue of Liberty was suppressed for more than 125 years. Finally, the National Park Service includes literature that explains the shackles and chains. National Juneteenth Movement is preparing an amazing event on Liberty Island, Rev. Willie Douglass, Stockton, California was on the front line, making it happen in a good way... his legacy will help guide a positive way forward....
Posted: Mon, Aug 31, 2015 12:41pm PDT
audioKai Lumumba Barrow and Shana Griffin talk about Ecohybridity: A Love Song For NOLA (audio/mpeg 19.5MB) by WTUL News & Views
WTUL News and Views Speaks to Kai Barrow and Shana Griffin about Ecohybridity: A Love Song for NOLA, a visual black opera in 5 acts that kicks off this weekend on the 10th anniversary of Hurricane Katrina....
Posted: Wed, Aug 26, 2015 7:36am PDT
imagePhotos: Giant Albert Woodfox mural in New Orleans by artist B-Mike w/ Amnesty Intl. USA
by International Coalition to Free the Angola 3
Featured below are photos of the new Albert Woodfox mural in New Orleans, Louisiana, painted by artist Brandan "B-Mike" Odums in conjunction with Amnesty International USA. The photos below are taken by Amnesty USA and the A3 Coalition. Read the July 3 NOLA Times Picayune article to learn more about the mural and to view more photos. This first photo is of Michael Mable, brother of Albert Woodfox, standing in front of the mural....
Posted: Fri, Jul 24, 2015 2:51pm PDT
audioDr. Alexis Pauline Gumbs & Almah LaVon on Dark Sciences: A People Of Color Dream Retreat (audio/mpeg 38.4MB) by WTUL News & Views
This is the first convening of a queer-black-feminist imagined collective dreaming house for people of color....
Posted: Wed, Jul 8, 2015 7:17am PDT
audioGirls Rock New Orleans, June 8th-13th 2015 (audio/mpeg 3.2MB) by Jesse Rafert
Girls Rock! New Orleans brings together volunteer instructors and female and female identifying kids to create an explosive showcase of talent and inspiration! From June 8th- 13th, kids learn new instruments, form bands, and attend workshops about music, art, and social justice....
Posted: Thu, May 28, 2015 5:12pm PDT
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